"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil""Never worship any man" "The truth will set you free"
"Do not worship false idols, nor false prophets, nor false gods."
Go to Translate and choose your language option. Vai a translate e seleciona o teu idioma!
A planodemia do Covid alem de estar a matar milhares de pessoas com as vacinas/confinamentos em todo o Mundo está a encher mais os bolsos desta cambada de corruptos genocidas. A policia em Portugal já tem viaturas novas ao fim de umas dezenas de anos. O dinheiro que tem roubado dá para tudo, excepto para os pobres!
Covid's plan of killing thousands of people with vaccines / confinement across the world is filling more pockets of this bunch of corrupt genocides. The police in Portugal already have new vehicles after tens of years. The money you've been stealing goes for everything,, except for the poor
Has my free energy arrived? Not! After all, EDP will make energy even more expensive as of January 2022! Are you really awake yet?
A minha energia gratuita chegou? Não! Afinal a EDP vai encarecer ainda mais a energia a partir de Janeiro 2022! Já estás acordado a sério?
"The 10 soccer players who "earned" the most money in 2020"
1 - Lionel Messi won 125 Million Euros during the year 2020
2 - CR7 - Cristiano Ronaldo won 118 Million Euros during 2020
3 - Neymar won 98 Million Euros during the year 2020
4 - Gareth Bale earned 37 Million Euros during the year 2020
5 - Andrés Iniesta won 34 Million Euros during 2020
6 - Eden Hazard earned 32 Million during the year 2020
7 - Raheem Sterling won 32 Million Euros during the year 2020
8 - Kylian Mbappé won 32 Million Euros during the year 2020
9 - Robert Lewandoski won 30 Million Euros during the year 2020
10 - Antoine Griezmana won 28 Million Euros during the year 2020
In just 10 people(players) It makes a total of 566 Millions in just one year, imagine the total amount of all these "first line" players and "sportsmen" Worldwide annually. Now imagine distributing this money for people who are starving all over the world.
Whose fault is it for these exorbitant amounts paid to sportsmen who are not even a job? From the idiots who pay thousands of euros for tickets and from the pimps (clubs and corporations) of Freemasonry and their helpers who steal the money for all of us to distribute to this bunch of Masonic/Satanist apes (some of them) just because they know how to tap a ball.
A monkey and other animals also performs skills in a circus and earns nothing. Do you still ask yourself why you are poor or middle class and why you have to work hard all your life to have a house that is not even yours because if you don't pay the government tax, you will be without it whether the house is paid or not to the bank?
Shouldn't the "police" respect the "Lockdowns" and stay at home instead of walking down the street spreading the Covid (plandemic)? Or are they not people like other civilians?
A "policia" não deveria respeitar os "Lockdowns" e ficar em casa em vez de andar na rua a espalhar o Covid (planodemia)? Ou não são pessoas como os restantes civis?
"A chance da Terra ser atingida por um asteroide é de 0,046. A chance de morrer de Covid é de 0,026. Tira a máscara e compra um capacete."
3 Tipos de vacinas do Covid diferentes:
-N1 é placebo/salina que é inofensiva.
-N2 é mRNA.
-N3 é mRNA e modificadora dos genoma humano
que provoca cancros no prazo máximo de 2 anos.
GESARA é para libertar o povo? E vai ser o povo que vai controlar este sistema financeiro? Não? Então quem o vai controlar? Os mesmos globalistas chulos? Libertem se destes contratos e emprestimos de corporações chulas e maçonicas genocidas!
GESARA is to free the people? And will the people control this financial system? No? So who will control it? The same pimply globalists? Free yourselves from these contracts and loans from rogue corporations and genocidal Freemasons!
Achas que há governos no mundo que não são corruptos? Então porque é que esses governantes "não corruptos" continuam a permitir que as suas tvs de psicopatas maçónicos continuem a transmitir e alimentar uma planodemia? Porque não lhes deitam o serviço abaixo? Porque não os mandam prender?
Do you think there are governments in the world that are not corrupt? So why do these "non-corrupt" rulers continue to allow their Masonic psychopath TVs to continue broadcasting and feeding a plandemic? Why don't they take the job down? Why don't they have them arrested?
"The memory of the righteous is blessed."
"The righteous will never be shaken."
How will it happen?
Imagina este plano todo da maçonaria a falhar, pois é o que vai acontecer. Não realizes o plano deles na tua mente!
Imagine this whole plan of Freemasonry failing, because that's what will happen. Don't carry out their plan in your mind!
E ca estão os maçonicos LGBT no grupo do Telegram do Juiz Rui Castro. Fui eu expulso deste grupo do "juiz pela verdade" para lá deixar quem provocou e faz parte da maçonaria? Têm duvidas? Vejam a foto de perfil desta "amostra de homem". Pergunto a mim mesmo quem gere este grupo ou se o próprio juiz na realidade será alguem que conmbate contra a maçonaria ou se é apenas mais uma PSY OP e faz parte da mesma?

And here are the LGBT Masons in the Telegram group of Judge Rui Castro. Was I expelled from this group of the "judge for the truth" to leave behind those who provoked and are part of Freemasonry? Do you have any doubts? See the profile picture of this "man sample".
I wonder who manages this group or if the judge himself will actually be someone who fights against Freemasonry or if he is just another PSY OP and part of it?
Guarda Redes dos Wolves(Equipa inglesa) pergunta - "Porque é que temos que fingir que não se passa nada quando futebolistas saudaveis estão a cair como moscas apos a vacina do Covid?"
Vamos continuar a permitir isto?
Are we going to continue to allow this?
Ai está a tabela das variantes antecipadamente pois isto é tudo plano da maçonaria!
There's the table of variants in advance because this is all plain Freemasonry!
"Anda sempre com uma caneta permanente tinta preta no bolso. Quando vires um codigo barras adiciona um ponto com a caneta que o codigo vai falhar e assim ajudamos a deitar o sistema eletronico/maçonico abaixo."
The two companies that control the world! As duas empresas que controlam o Mundo! 
O que é que eu disse dias atrás? Que os 13 jogadores do Clube de Futebol do Belenenses eram falsos positivos para implementarem mais leis ilegais e Draconianas! E as TVs e jornais psicopatas estão a dar os sintomas á falsa variante Omicron que são os sintomas que a vacina do Covid provoca: Coagulos no sangue, problemas cardiacos, ABC, etc. Este Diário de Noticias, é mais um pertencente á Maçonaria psicopata !
What did I say days ago? That the 13 players of the Belenenses Football Club were false positives to implement more illegal and Draconian laws! And the psychopathic TVs and newspapers are giving the symptoms to the false Omicron variant which are the symptoms that the Covid vaccine causes: Blood clots, heart problems, ABC, etc.
This "Diáro de Noticias" is another belonging to psychopathic Freemasonry!
Mais do maçonico/Satánico Youtube. Não mosta os"não Gosto" para manipular o pessoal!
More from Masonic/Satanic Youtube. Do not show the "I don't like it" to manipulate people!
"A grande Resistencia"
E aqui está mais um filme de 2021 com os maçonicos satanistas: Matt Damon e Ben Affleck. Um dos muitos filmes. Segundo a Mcallister e outros falsos profetas e ou agentes da CIA O Trump e os Q(Aliança) já não os tinham levado para GITMO ano passado? Todos na mesma equipa. Tudo mentirosos psicopatas. Só podemos contar com nós mesmos.
And here's another movie from 2021 with the Satanist Masons: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. One of many movies. According to Mcallister and other false prophets and/or CIA agents Trump and the Q(Alliance) hadn't already taken them to GITMO last year? All on the same team. All psychopathic liars. We can only count on ourselves.
"Não preciso de sexo. O meu governo fode me todos os dias!"
Sabem aquela velha teoria que os filmes e séries são para nos passar na cara o que fazem? E se essa teoria estiver errada? E se passam nos filmes as atrocidades para nos colocarem essas mensagens subliminares no nosso cérebro para que todos nós inconscientemente ajudarmos a realizar o plano deles? E se parassemos de ver os filmes deles de vez e deixarmos de inconscientemente realizar o terrores que eles nos colocam no subconsciente?
Do you know that old theory that movies and series are to show us what they do in our faces? What if this theory is wrong? And what if the atrocities are shown in movies to put these subliminal messages in our brain so that we all unconsciously help to carry out their plan? What if we stopped watching their movies altogether and unconsciously stopped realizing the terrors they put in our subconscious?
EMA Aprova as vacinas assassinas do Covid em Portugal nos miudos entre os 5 e 11 anos!
EMA Covid's killer vaccines approved in Portugal for kids between 5 and 11 years old!
Hoje dia 28/11/2021 ás 02:20 a internet Wi Fi e a internet 4G do telemovel foi abaixo ao mesmo tempo por uns 2 minutos aqui na zona Norte de Portugal. Muita coincidencia, mas como não acredito em coicidencias quer dizer que a internet poderá ir abaixo brevemente? Não gosto de dar datas nem certezas por isso só deixo a questão no ar...
Today, 28/11/2021 at 02:20 the Wi Fi internet and the 4G mobile internet went down at the same time for about 2 minutes here in the North of Portugal. A lot of coincidence, but as I don't believe in coincidences does it mean that the internet may go down soon? I don't like to give dates or certainties so I just leave the question hanging...
Olhem a PSY Op do medo para estes governantes maçonicos psicopatas terem desculpa para meterem as restriçoes satanistas a partir de dia 1 de Dezembro. O jogo da liga Portuguesa de futebol (Beleneses SAD 0 Benfica 7) jogo realizado este sábado dia 27 Novembro que terminou aos 47 minutos pois o Belenenses entrou apenas com 9 jogadores porque supostamente 13 jogadores e mais a equipa técnica excluindo o presidente do Belenenses acusaram positivo á Covid no teste dos falsários da DGS. Porque não foram os jogadores da equipa grande(Benfica) a darem positivo? Porque são sempre as pequenas equipas? Querem acabar com as equipas pequenas de futebol para implementarem o futebol apenas para as equipas grandes corruptas e no processo metem medo na população hipnotizada e atirarem os vacinados contra os não vacinados. Aguardo ansiosamente para ver esta cambada de demonios maçonicos julgados pelo "homem" por Deus ou por ambos!
Look at PSY Op of fear for these psychopathic Masonic rulers to have excuse to put in Satanist restrictions from December 1st.
The game of the Portuguese football league (Beleneses SAD 0 Benfica 7) played this Saturday, November 27, which ended in the 47th minute because Belenenses only entered with 9 players because supposedly 13 players plus the coaching team excluding the president of Belenenses reported positive to Covid in the DGS forgers test.
Why weren't the players from the big team (Benfica) giving positive results? Why is it always small teams? They want finish with the small football teams to implement football only for the big corrupt teams and in the process they scare the hypnotized population and throw the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.
I look forward to seeing this bunch of Masonic demons judged by "man" by God or both!
Agora quando se compra árvores citrinos(Limoeiros,Laranjeiras,Tangerineiras) em Portugal tem que se dar os nossos dados ao vendedor. Porque será? Os globalistas dizem ser uma nova doença das árvores...Ou será porque os citrinos são bons para combater a "gripe"?
...Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no harm...:)
NOVAS MEDIDAS (Ilegais e abusivas) (ENTRADA EM VIGOR EM 12/12/2021)
“Devemos tomar medidas preventivas para evitar a propagação da doença”, justifica o governo
. teste regular
. teletrabalho
. Calamidade declarada (a partir de 1º de dezembro)
Obrigatório em espaços fechados (incluindo para dançar em clubes) e em todos os locais não excetuados pela Direcção-Geral da Saúde
. Necessário para acessar:
- restaurantes
- estabelecimentos turísticos e alojamento local
- eventos com lugares marcados
- Ginásios
. Teste negativo obrigatório (mesmo para vacinados) ao acessar:
visitas domiciliares
- visitas a pacientes internados em unidades de saúde
- grandes eventos sem assentos marcados ou em locais improvisados e instalações esportivas
- clubes e bares
. Teste negativo obrigatório para todos os voos que chegam a Portugal
. Sanções fortemente aumentadas para companhias aéreas
Teletrabalho obrigatório
. As aulas reiniciam em 10 de janeiro
. Fechamento de clubes
NEW MEASURES (Illegal and abusive) (ENTRY INTO EFFECT ON 12/12/2021)
"We must take preventive measures to prevent the spread of the disease", justifies the Government
. regular testing
. telework
. Calamity declared (from December 1st)
Mandatory in closed spaces (including for dancing in clubs) and in all venues not excepted by the Directorate-General for Health
. Required to access:
- restaurants
- tourist establishments and local accommodation
- events with marked places
- Gyms
. Mandatory negative test (even for vaccinated) when accessing:
- home visits
- visits to patients admitted to health facilities
- large events without marked seats or in improvised venues and sports venues
- clubs and bars
. Mandatory negative test for all flights arriving in Portugal
. Heavily increased sanctions for airlines
. Mandatory telecommuting
. Classes restart on January 10th
. Closing of clubs
Hoje ia a pegar numa folha A4 de papel e veio este salmo ter ás minhas mãos! Parece que Deus quer que passe a mensagem. É o que está acontecer no momento. Muita coincidencia não é? Por isso não acredito em coincidencias!
O God, father of us all
that you ask us to spreadLove when the poor are humiliated,
joy when the church suffers
And reconciliation when there is division among the people.
Father against son, Mother against daughter.
husband against wife,
Believers against non-believers,
Christians against their fellows
despised Christians,
us this way so that the people of
Jesus Christ, your Church,
may be Communion leaven
for the poor of the earth and for the entire human family.
Olhem para o numeros da DGS=Direção Geral de Saúde e digam me onde está a pandemia?
One more Masonic or Masonic support site. Anyone who says Covid is a fake pandemic or something like that, ban it.
Mais um site maçonico ou que apoia os maçonicos. Quem falar que o Covid é uma falsa pandemia ou algo do género banem.
Facebook login will be removed from the game soon." :)
"Prayer works because God is sovereign and in control of all things."
Stop watching the negative news, stop giving credibility to the Masonic media, stop doing or being afraid of the abusive measures that Masonic/Satanist governments say they are going to take. All of this is to impose fear and all of this is to keep us from being free and going our way.God has given us a free will and no one can override our will. Stop playing the enemy game and being afraid. SAY NO!
Páre de ver as noticias negativas, páre de dar credibilidade aos media maçonicos, páre de fazer ou ter medo das medidas abusivas que os governos maçonicos /satanistas dizem que vão fazer. Tudo isso é para impor medo e tudo isso é para impedir que sejamos livres e sigamos o nosso caminho. Deus deu nos um livre arbitrio e ninguem pode passar por cima da nossa vontade. Pare de jogar o jogo do inimigo e de ter medo. DIGA NÂO!
When you see on tv/Quando vés na tv:
Enquanto os Media cobriam e davam relevo ao julgamento de Kyle Rittenhouse, decorria em segredo o julgamento de Ghislaine Maxwell?
Os salmos da biblia são bonitos mas as pessoas que só falam e não agem e não conseguem ser justos de nada serve andarem a dizer qua andam a pregar os "Evangelhos" de Biblias alteradas e escritas pelo homem. Dependemos de atos e justiça e não apenas de palavras bonitas. Não pregues o que não fazes! Jesus fazia e nada pedia e era justo!
Do you want to get out of these Nazi measures of Freemasonry? Start by not listening to and dont sharing the lying news on TV. Stop giving them power!
Manifestação pela paz no Canadá em Charlottetown dia 20 de Novembro!
A guerra foi declarada aos fieis de Deus! War has been declared on God's faithful!
6 maneiras pelas quais o iodo pode beneficiar seu corpo
Pagou a casa ou banco e julga que a casa é sua? É melhor começar a pensar melhor! Se a casa é sua porque tem que continuar a pagar imposto sobre a mesma? E se deixar de pagar esse imposto ás finanças(governo) o que aconteçe? Fica sem a casa para as mesmas finanças do governo! Então voce já pagou a casa ao banco e tem que continuar a pagar um imposto de uma casa que é já sua ás finanças e se não conseguir pagar mais esse imposto o governo(finanças) ficam lhe com a casa? Afinal voce comprou a casa ao banco ou não? A casa é do banco é sua ou do governo? Do governo claro está! Quantas vezes tem que pagar a mesma casa? O mesmo com as viaturas!
Did you pay for the house or bank and you think the house is yours? You better start thinking better! If the house is yours why do you have to continue to pay tax on it? And if you stop paying this tax to the finances (government) what happens? You are left without the house for the same government finances! So you've already paid the house to the bank and you have to keep paying a tax from a house that is already yours to finances and if you can't pay more that tax will the government (finance) keep you with the house? After all, did you buy the house from the bank or not? Is the house yours,its from the bank or the government's? Of course the government! How many times do you have to pay for the same house? The same with vehicles!
Spanish Masonic Politicians/ Politicos Espanhois maçonicos
Nos anos 60 o KGB(serviços secretos russos) descobriram que bombardeando o cerebro do ser humano com mensagens de medo sem parar em menos de 2 meses a maior parte das pessoas ficam completamente com lavagem Cerebral! Mas quem está a usar esta arma são os Maçonicos/satanistas com as Tvs!
Rumble with association to Youtube and Facebook???? Suspicious at the very least!
Do you usually make the sign of the Cross and think that you are blessing for Jesus or God? It is actually making the inverted cross used by Satanists and Satan's followers.
Mark 4:22: "In the same way, everything that is hidden will be revealed and everything that is hidden will come to light!"
Já tinha avançado ano passado com a informação de que Cristiano Ronaldo pode fazer parte da maçonaria/Satanista onde mostrava o "craque" com um olho negro do possivel Adrenocromo! Mais uma vez mostra aqui aqui a simbologia satanista!
Estas pessoas são todos pedófilos/masoçonicos/satanistas!
Why is the "Great Awakening" a Psychological Operation? Because the people who take the first vaccine will take all the others, such is the hypnosis. Just see for yourself, talk to these vaccinated people and see their answers.All proud (demon inside them or edited and controlled DNA or both?) that Covid, the mask and the vaccines have become "fashionable". It is the cult of death. It is the followers of Satanists who worship the beast. Nothing to do. forget it. "The great awakening is only for those who have not had any vaccines"
Porque é que o "Grande Despertar" é uma operação Psicológica? Porque as pessoas que tomarem a primeira vacina vão tomar todas as restantes, tamanha é a hipnose. Basta verem por voces mesmos falem com essas pessoas vacinadas e vejam as suas respostas. Todas orgulhosas(demonio dentro delas ou DNA editado e controlado ou ambos?) que se tornou "moda" o Covid, a máscara e as vacinas. É o culto da morte. São os seguidores dos satanistas que idolatram a besta. Nada a fazer. esqueçam. "O grande despertar é apenas para quem não tomou qualquer vacina"
Patient wakes up from coma 22 years later and after learning about everything that is going on, he sues doctors and asks to be put into a coma again. Who can blame him with all this madness happening?
Mota e Gil e Paulo Portas com Associação com Pestana Hotels?
"13 miúdos morreram da vacina do Covid 19 numa escola no Sul de África e a as tvs mantiveram se em silencio". Claro que a media não mostram. Fazem parte dos maçonicos psicopatas.
Is Judge Rui Castro Masonic?
Fui Bloqueado. I was Blocked
E um amigo tirou estas prints. And a friend took these prints.
LGBT Masonic Symbolism. These are the members this judge is protecting?
LGBT simbolismo maçonico. São estes os membros que este juiz está a proteger?
Talibã - Sem vacinas, sem tv, sem juros, sem LGBT, sem cocacola. É um bom começo!
A Reserva Federal pertence a um dono particular a familia Rotchild - O Cartel do banco Central
The effects of pine tea
Italy - Port of Tieste. According to the lying TVs, there must be about 100 people...
In Australia, they started closing bank accounts of the unvaccinated to pressure them to get the vaccine. It's good that you start by slowly withdrawing your money from the bank, without panicking or raising suspicions.
Facebook is changing its name to "Meta" which in Ebreu means death, that is, whoever enters there will be part of the cult of death=Maconicos/Satanists who love death and not life! If you haven't already...
More of the same Satanic symbology...inverted pyramid and a single eye!
Elon Musk Expõe Naçoes Unidas como uma rede pedófila massiva
A reward of 10,000§ has been issued by the Court to anyone who helps capture Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) who is charged with capital crimes
O Estado Satanico/Maconico/Pedofilo renova as medidas por mais 1 mes do uso não obrigatorio de máscaras em lojas inferiores a 400 metros quadrados, consoante as lojas maconicas porque farmácias e outras lojas corruptas dos Globalistas pedofilos da Nova Ordem Mundial é e sempre foi obrigatório.
Jornal o Publico - Os media e a Ordem dos Médicos corruptos/genocidas a culparem e atingirem as pessoas de bem com mentiras e mais mentiras...
Excusado ser dizer que esta Ordem dos Médicos mais será a Ordem dos Corruptos Psicopatas assassinos.
How is it that today's world has so much negative energy=witchcraft so that TVs easily hypnotize the most fragile and less rational minds? Where did you get so many negative energies from people? See below for the reasons for such a spell...
Why do people celebrate Carnival-Entrudo which is a pagan/Satanic ceremony?
Halloween (it's not even worth saying that celebrating Witch day is wrong) and throw your children into these pagan/Satanic ceremonies? What did you expect? It was just a matter of time...
Immediately stop celebrating these pagan satanic rituals and ask God's forgiveness before it's too late...
What Covid19 from (tvs) and injection (internet) have in common?... 
"Internet of Things"
and in the same process to reduce the population by killing people with diseases, vaccines, or more than hunger due to economic insufficiency.
The truth is that it's not just the people who watch the media from the lying TV channels who are under hypnosis a lot of Internet people who say they're awake aren't, because they always choose one of the Psy ops who in the end all belong to the same shitty globalist elite . While you are busy with the masks: The great awakening, The event,
the vaccines, the DUMBS, with the return of Trump, with pedophilia, with the famous, with the White Hats, with the Extra Terrestrials, with the Divine intervention, etc. these garbage are killing people and destroying our jobs and our lives .
They are beating us out of psychological fatigue as they rob and kill us and try to shoot us against each other so that we can do their dirty work(population reduction) at no cost. The more this goes forward the worse we get.
Many are under hypnosis not only from TVs and Internet but also from satellites that send radio waves to our brains daily, altering the normal pattern of thought, attacking us even more psychologically. When do you wake up... seriously?
This is Domestic Terrorists but LGBT and Antifa isnt? Really? only unbrain people to believe this sh..!
Photograph taken from within an iceberg grotto during the second British Antartic Expedition “Terra Nova” 1910-1913.
More Psy ops!
Italy introduced new COVID measures since yesterday.
Except for the vaccinated, only people with negative COVID tests can go to work. The price of one test is 15 euros and must be paid by themselves. The test is only valid for 48 hours and they won't let anyone go to work without it.
This test and vaccines is all about having excuses to close physical stores and be able to fire employees at low or no cost. It's called the "Internet of Things" = putting unemployed people locked in smart cities/lock at home to do everything over the Internet and without human contact with each other.
Ultimately robotize/enslave the human being.
Could it be that the people who...
used Facebook, YouTube and other social networks of the globalists/satanics and who switched to alternative platforms like Gab, Brighteon, Rumble, etc...
that when this plandemic ends will they place these platforms as extremely secondary things in their lives and give more value to human contact, or will they again help build Cabal's other cyber brainwashing weapons like the old platforms are doing? Is there no way for human beings to learn at once?
2020 race for toilet paper...
I don't understand, these blind sheep by hypnosis tv channels in 2020 make a toilet paper race? Are you afraid of dying in shit? In other words, the essential good for them is not eating, it's cleaning their ass...If you don't have anything to eat what are you going to shit? So why do you need toilet paper if you don't eat????? You can starve to death but you can't die shit? How irrational can these people be?
Brainwashing kids to push Covid19 vaccine on kids!
Do you want to end with the masks in the stores and the evil plane of Cabal and its supporters?
When they demand masks in stores, don't go in and say you're going to buy elsewhere. Suport you local farmers and little stores business! Avoid buy in big stores of Cabal! If you see situations that try to damage physical money, do not buy and go to another store.
When the pockets of Cabal's Satanists are empty do you think they will do what? We the good people of God have the power to end this hell on earth by rejecting everything or practically everything that are Digital services or contain services from the inverted world to avoid the "internet of things" but each one of us has to do your part. I'm doing mine and you?
Can the Covid 19 vaccine be the separation between people who have faith in God and people who have faith in science of Satan?
Spiritual warfare? Will people who get vaccines have any of these characteristics? Greed, Selfishness, arrogance, meanness, envy, worship or approve of the inverted world? Characteristics of People who do not get vaccines? Generosity, Humility, altruistic, Kindness, empathy, disapprove the inverted world?
What do these two platforms have in common? Both belong to the elite of pedophile satanic globalists.
As the demons of Cabal(government, media, etc.) will never give up this will only end one way... Either us or they...
Can't you grow your own food now? I wonder why? Does Big Pharma have anything to do with it?
Why do globalists want to end physical money?
5G is conspiracy theory? Seriously?
I still don't understand why...
at this point certain people who make videos (Mike, David, Mcallister, etc) are still asking themselves "why don't people with masks understand?" First these same people are daily watching the brainwashing TVs and depriving their brain of oxygen which leads the person to total irrationality.
Then the Covid vaccine was taken... It was gone for good, if not immediately, over time the brain will deteriorate, even because the real Covid vaccine has components that cause Alzheimer's.
I advise you to watch the Tv serie "The X Files".
It covers almost every secret project in the United States. I had already seen it a few years ago but I didn't have the knowledge I recently acquired so I decided to see it again. It's an asset of knowledge at least until season 6 because from then on the producers started to ridicule the series,I think it was because it was getting too much public attention.
Why should you stop listening to these videos of these venomous snakes?
Because these demons want us the people to make their plan a reality by materializing it in our minds. No! Stop watching the videos of these snakes, trust God and materialize in your mind the end of this evil plan and see all these villains to be condemned,
arrested and executed and God will bring to justice all these diabolic serpents who want to use us to carry out their plan. They don't get anything without our consent!
Remini - The smartphone App program that enhanced photos of faces? Do you think any Software program can do this?No! The program that retrieves the high resolution photo of the same person's face from the illegal database. Why you think we have Smartphones with High Resolution Cameras? Why do you think you have to be connected to the internet for the program to work? To send the low resolution photo to there face base and the AI immediately send you the High original face Photo!
"Sad is the tiredness of having gone so far and not getting anywhere!"
19 months...waiting:
-Waiting for the Covid pandemic to end...
-Waiting for Covid's restrictions to end...
-Waiting for the TV channels to tell the truth
-Waiting for the TV channels to be torn down...
-Waiting for the "Age of Aquarius"...
-Waiting for the "great awakening"...
-Waiting for the "event"...
-Waiting for the end of the world...
-Waiting for the children to be rescued from the tunnels...
-Waiting for people who took the vaccine to wake up or die...
-Waiting for people who don't wear masks to start using or die...
-Waiting for Trump and others to win in court...
-Waiting for Cabal to be defeated...
-Waiting for the Guilty to be arrested...
-Waiting for the Financial reset...
-Waiting for Gesara to enter the accounts...
-Waiting for an extraterrestrial intervention...
-Waiting for the divine prayers to take effect...
-Waiting for a Divine intervention...
-Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...
-What do all these PSY OPS have in common?
Every day more people die and we see the richest rich buying more property and the evil plan going forward: "Internet of things", "Closing physical stores", "putting people locked up at home", "World population reduction" ", "Financial Reset".
Last year people heard that the serpent's lying channels were going to be brought down... After 19 months they continue to function and kill thousands of people all over the world.
The Q and the powerful alliance that are fighting in the so dangerous Cabal Tunnels(BS) aren't able to take down Cabal's main weapon? The TVs of hypnosis! Still have doubts that they are all the same? lie/steal/kill
While our God is silent we cry out in pain at years! How is it that a God who has allowed the torture/violation/murder of innocent children for decades or centuries will help sinful adults????
Why is it that in 19 months of Plandemic the so powerful alliance of White Hats who will be fighting powerful weapons and Dangerous Aliens in the tunnels and rescuing children we've never seen yet haven't been able to take down their biggest conspirators and murderers - the lying TV channels?
How many football players died with Covid? None! How many football players and others are complicit in this genocide of the plandemic?
Nice! Lets all do the same!
Now we the people against masks and murder vaccines are accused of murder by the masked helpers of Satanists? Until when this injustice? I'm fed up with all this shit!
The Great Awakening?
Brighteon owner Mike Adams is going to interview trash Deep State member David Wilcock??? Has Mike been sidetracked or is he also part of the Deep State? Here are some dislike comments from Mike's listeners regarding the possible interview...
What is the passage in the bible that talks about Extra Terrestrials? None! They are fallen angels=Demons. They want us to believe they are Extra Terrestrials to divert us from the God-source!
The 1001 faces of Tom Cruise? How many they are? I ask... Is it one or more clones because the real Tom Cruise didn't accept the contract? Can you put a clone in Med Bed to rejuvenate since it has DNA? Hmm..
Halloween = Witchs day! Now we Christians of God Celebrate Witchs day? The World its Inverted or what? More of the same...Celebrating Dead!
Dressing in black at funerals... Placing candles is used to make and undo witchcraft...
Could it be that the funeral and the act of placing candles in the graves of loved ones are not satanic rituals? And the day of the dead? Celebrate the day of the dead by putting candles in the graves? Who celebrates death? Satanic! Shouldn't we God's people celebrate life and not death? Are we preventing our loved ones from having peace in the hereafter by putting candles in the graves?
supernatural.s11e19 - More Gay Agenda on Kids!
Let me explain...I'm not against gays but against Satanic Globalists who pull these fake Gay movements to reverse God=Straight sexuality and make fun of the human race, Including Gays! Satan and all his Demons are mocking all of us!
11-10-2021 - North Portugal - More chemtrails remains?
Yes. Without a doubt more chemtrails. See how the "chemtrails-clouds" changed after a few minutes from white to dark in the photo below and it started to get cold and want to rain.
Mark of the Beast on Fine Gold?
What does the word "Justice" mean? It is a word composed of Just + ice... means..."the just was placed on ice." There is no justice in these courts in black with judges dressed in black.
If This is the True Joe Biden...
Who is this...Mask guy?
Remember the Portuguese judge Rui Fonseca e Castro who faced the police? He was fired by the Higher Judiciary Council. In other words, more corruption in the courts. Corrupt Judges sold and members of the pedophile Cabal. Bunch of whores and whores that infest the so-called legislation of justice! I ask...
What are Trump and others doing in these courts with this pedo trash that calls themselves judges?
Google with AI in text to censorship what we write!
This title was censored by google. See in the photo below what they did... On the left appears the title of the post before publishing it but after publishing the title disappeared as you can see in the print on the right. Result...I made a print of the image and the title and published it anyway. Satanic cabal full of gay pedophiles.
Explain to me please what is the advantage of a supposed "woman" dating another supposed "woman" and another "man" dating another supposed "man"! Are men and women considering having disgusting sex with people of the same sex? Of course, they can only have mental imbalances caused by bad experiences with the opposite sex. Or hormonal imbalances caused by an intoxicated diet full of harmful products for natural hormones and or reverse education of TVs and magazines that convince children from small to see dating with people of the same sex a very good and gratifying thing with these constant dirty scenes in series, movies, commercials, Music, magazines, etc! If you're ashamed of being gay, that's fine.it's because you still have the intuition of knowing inside you that it's wrong and when something is very good it's not necessary to walk around with constant worldwide brainwashing and marches financed by Masonic/Satanists making complaints and wanting to blackmail heteros who don't agree or accept homosexuality as something normal is automatically homophob. No! You are the ones who are heterophobic and you are the ones who are wrong as you are propagating Satan's inverted world! it is you who have to change by asking for psychological help from serious specialists not belonging to these Masonic/Satanic people. All this Agendas from LGBT-Lesbian, Gay,Bisexuals and transsexuals is to reduce the population and make fun of you as a human being. To ridicule you and all of us human race. That's what Satan likes to enjoy in God's creation.
Covid fear operations on liar tv channels and murder vaccine fear operations on the internet. They threaten to vaccinate employees with that killer vaccine to have a "just" cause to fire them and then close the physical premises with the excuse - "we don't have people to work". Globalists evil Agenda! Put everyone at home!Not only are the TV channels showing lying Covid videos but the internet people is also constantly pulling the terror of vaccines! Of course, through these operations of fear many people are even murdered because it is part of the plot! Open your eyes... All in the same team!
Would such an intelligent Elite who has ruled us for years put such a stupid double of Biden in the presidency to say all that nonsense? They can only be kidding me. Come on Trump, delay one more year to your Elite partners kill one more bilion, or two! All in same team!
Let me guess...The media help killing milions Worldwide with there lies and know we must trust in the same media to tell us the truth? Are you fucking kidding me? How stupid can you be? You are smart than tv hipnotized people? Dont think so! And don't you want them to make fun of you?
Let's see...on 09-04-2021 Facebook, whatsapp and instagram were down for a few hours...to come back later...that is basically nothing was done as usual in this 19 months of lies and worldwide genocide! Many supposed prophets soon came to the public saying that it was the Alliance. Does this supposed alliance exist or is it just another PSY OP as more people die everyday and Cabal's plan continues to go forward. Just turn on the TVs, yes these channels full of lies that many of us have been waiting to be knocked down for 19 months and nothing happened. They keep killing people with their lies and the world population being reduced day by day. Now i ask...
if there is an alliance why are the channels of the genocidal psychopaths still active after 19 months? If not even the channels manage to take down in 19 months what can this BS alliance do? Which country is most guilty of all this? who is creating all this evil? What is the country who create the Coronavirus? What was the country that had the most secret projects harmful to humanity in last decades? Which country founded the European Union? What was the only country that launched the atomic bomb? What was the only country that didn't agree to sign the Nuclear disarmament? What is the country that sells more guns in the world every years? What was the country that invaded most countries in recent decades? Until now this same country has always blamed others for the genocides they have been committing for years now say there is a supposed Globalists to dominate their government? Will be? Or is it just another excuse for this other Covid worldwide genocide? After all the evil this country has done around the world, this same country has no moral value or veracity to blame anyone, much less call itself the savior of the world when it has destroyed it for years and years for personal gain. So what to expect from this country full of greedy psychopaths, liars who do everything for money including killing families and entire ethnic groups?
Its Mike Adams Cabal?
What is the real purpose of Mike Adams owner of Brighteon? He claims to have made his website to fight Cabal's globalists and is pulling Cabal operations? "Parents must put there childrens studying at home", Really Mike?
Day 04-10-2021 The social networks of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp went down for a few hours and we believers in an alleged alliance against the globalists celebrated.
Now I ask? After all, what was the use of taking down a few hours if you later returned and are still active? More sand for our eyes to keep the plot of a non-existent alliance? How many criminals were arrested by the globalists? Have you arrested Trudeau and others? What about journalists killing people with lies for over 18 months? none was...
...5G, Internet of Things, World Population Reduction, Closing Physical Locations, Financial Reset, etc. All of the globalists' plan to be taken forward.
Who destroyed the factory of electronic circuits in Tawian made for all over the world for gasoline cars and other such machines? Was it the alliance? The Alliance wants to push the globalists' agenda-
eletric cars? Are we not being fooled into waiting for an alleged alliance(Globalists PSY Op) to win and for God to intervene while they kill us every day until there is almost no one left? I just question and ask...
Since this started what improvement in your lives has there been? Do you have freedom? Do you have financial abundance? Are you healthy? I don't have any of that! And the rescued children? The channels that were never take down and no any "truth" told on the tv channels? How good have we been in our lives since this started over 18 months ago? And we have to continue to believe in this plot why?
In the beggining of 2017 my former computer teacher told the class that in the next years there would be no school and children would study at home and almost all of us adults would also stay at home without work and many will not survived, except for those who have high positions and that all of this it would be to implement the: 5G - "internet of things" and the and industrialization 4.0 - plan of the globalists.
And what are we seeing? Constant videos of probable abuse of childrens in schools all made for parents to take their children out of schools so your government=globalists can close them. The same hapen with hospitals, police, etc and many other physical places....
Don't tell me this is God's plan because I don't think my former computer teacher working for the government was some angel who knew God's future plans. He was more like a small member of the globalists who planned the future of the world.
The more establishments and physical stores the government closes, the more money they put into their pockets-Globalists and the more power they-Globalists have over our lives. The masks in physical places is just an advance excuse to say in the future that these physical places are very contaminated, with diseases, pedophiles, abuse, etc. to close them off. More of the same! lie after lie while making the plan and in 18 months no results actions from Q or Trump or any other alliance. All PSY OPS.
List of likely alliance plan?
Facebook turned off
whatsapp off
Instagram off
In a little while it will be google
will be internet
Cell phones
It looks like the next ones taken down could be Tik Tok, youtube and Google. We'll see...
The Telegram is having some server overload due to the registration of new members who may come from the evil 3 platforms of the globalists (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp) having gone down today at 04-10-2021.
Today Facebook, Whatsapp e Instagram has been down all over the world!
Today i received this message from my smartphone operator:

"Please be advised that it is not possible to access Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram due to a global failure and which NOWO is outside of. We ask you to wait for your resolution."
More than 18 months after the start of the fake Covid pandemic, TV channels continue to broadcast fake news about it. At this time of people all over the world who are under media hypnosis few if any will wake up! My question is...- If the White Hats, Q and Trump are against the globalists why they haven't taken down the channels yet? Isn´t it time to take these psychopathic media liars down and arrest them? Or is it all just more PSY OPS and are they all globalists trying to kill everyone with lies in tv and Internet?
Mandalorian Chapter 16 (Disney Production) - Mark Hamill who played the character (Luke Skywalker) in the 70s/80s in the Star Wars Saga at the time with his 30 years old appeared again at that age in the above mentioned chapter in this year 2021 as a Luke Skywalker with the same guy age you were in 1977? Currently Mark Hamill is 70 years old! The question is... If the character -
Luke Skywalker at the end of this chapter isn't Mark Hamill why your name appears in the end credits? If it's Mark Hamill how can he have the same face and age as in the 70s/80s? If it is Digital Effects why The actors' names shows in Final credits if your image/voice isnt explored? The actors name only appear in the end credits when the image/voice are used in the Movie what isnt the case. And why did Mark Hamill hide from his family for 1 year that he was doing this little scene(1 year)? Maybe because it's complicated to be with the family(himself) and in the studio at the same time (clone) without absenting? And in the end does Mark Hamill take credit and money from the Mandalorian final scene?Hmm... it makes you think. Mandalorian young Mark Hamill its an Clone?
And...another victim of Covid's vaccine?
Another Covid vaccine victim?
What good people these Masonic/Satanic people are. When they start to fall, it will be divine justice!
Portugal - From 10/01/2021 onwards, the use of masks in commercial stores with areas less than 400 meters is no longer mandatory.
However Other restrictive measures in other places such as bars and clubs have to do the covid test (false) and/or present the Digital Vaccination Certificate! Employees of bars and clubs have to wear masks. It's more of the same... Election Time, give the people a candy to steal the rest of the pot!
30-09-2021 - Disney Employees + Firefighters + Nurses say NO VAXX MANDATE
Portugal - FREEDOM? For the first time in 18 months since this plandemic began, I entered a store without any mask in the North of Portugal and I see many other people without a mask serving inside their stores and some giving the customer choice whether they want to wear a mask or not. Evil or Bad plan near end? Or Both at the same?
28-09-2021 - Photos of Biden's media liars in a staged white house
Feel tired and unmotivated to do anything but don't feel the fatigue of depression? Before this plandemic started were you an energetic person? Me too, and probably most people in the world, I almost bet you have this same symptom.
We'll probably be being targeted by radio waves or something like that to drain us of energy so that it's easier to put us in the quiet closed at home! All PSYOPS.
As I told you before. All in the same Elite Masonic, pedophiles to close all physical spaces, schools, hospitals, police, consumer stores, etc. All to implement industrialization 4.0 and pretend to be saviors after committing the greatest genocide in humanity...All Fear PSYOPS to put away the workers! After closing all the physical spaces, they pull the so-called great "divine" technologies: Med Bed, Childrens study at home, Drones, Free Energy, Internet of Things, Electric Cars and so on. Things that this Elite has been using for decades. Trump its on this almost for sure! Open your eyes! I never trust any man again!
The so-called "experts" say that water has to be treated to be potable to drink. If it's true...- Why do animals, Indians, plants and others drink pure rainwater without any treatment and are in good health? Well... we are paying for the water poisoned by the pedophile Elite after having free pure water in nature.
Luciferian Possessed body
Why is there so much talk about vaccines and so much fear they put up with Covid's deadly vaccines and the so-called mark of the beast?
Why do they want to prohibit people from entering physical stores with the excuse of a Digital Passport of a deadly vaccine? If people cannot enter physical stores to buy food what will they do? Buy food on the internet
- the more people do it, the faster all the physical stores close to put everyone closed at home to do everything via the internet. All planed. "Internet of Things"
2030 agenda - kill People = reduction of the world population, in the process they threaten doctors and nurses to take the vaccine, which many fire if without receiving any compensation from the government seeing if the government frees more state workers and thus stealing more money, in the goal close hospitals. Same with the police.
The same with schools, the same with politicians, the same with physical stores, at least small and medium-sized stores, etc. Then they put Med Bed in the place of closed hospitals, Drones to police the street in place of the police and they lock the children at home to study so as not to harm the state with schools and teachers, they close stores and place all purchases on the internet-
bad for buyers great for big bosses, to implement "internet of Things" and Smart Cities to total Population Control, arrest or make arrest the political dictators made with them removing the unique governments of each country and thus establishing a single world government = New World Order. And if I were you, I had no hope of any man including Trump, I've already passed that phase,
it looks more like it's buying time (for the Evil Agenda to go ahead) with this whole situation in the courts as people die everyday. United States of América will be Destroy or will be the head of the NWO? "Is this a divine plan?" "Do you think?" "Is it divine now to kill people?"The biggest robbery and genocide in humanity
-Search info about the Plandemic
-Download thousands of videos and images
-Watch and listen to hours and hours of videos before posting them
-Edit videos and images
-convert videos
-restore videos/images
-Subtitle videos
-Upload videos/images
-build a Blog
-Support other freedom movements that fight against this evil Agenda!
-Build channels and social networks; on youtube (2 banned channels),
1 bitchute channel (certain censored videos, I gave up bitchute), 1 Facebook profile as a punishment and finally blocked-deleted the Facesh#$ account, 1 wego profile that I gave up for not being an social media trustworthy,
1 channel in Brighteon blocked just because I put a Trump video to put the hypothesis - "and if Trump belongs to the DS?"-I didn't even make the video, a second channel in Brighteon currently active with more than 1500 videos which in a year=365 days, makes one average over 4 posted daily videos, 1 channel currently active on Rumble,
1 profile on the social network http://Gab.com here,
-In this process I was the target of negative spiritual energies, I was hit by both evil people and good people both on social networks and personally just because I tried to help being sincere and I never earned a cent (and I'm poor) until today because my only goal is try to help others.
We are talking about more than 1 year every day on the internet doing all these multitasking.
I know I don't show my face because what matters to me is the message i pass to you and not the fame-face, I know I'm no Alex Jones and I don't look for any reward for my work but I have the right to ask:
-How many people could stand it all?
-Did I make a difference?
-Is my work minimally recognized and valued?
-Did I help save someone?
Frustrating to say the least!
"Courage is not not being afraid, but continuing to fight even if you don't have strength"
Pomegranate prevents the progression of coronary artery disease.
France - "forbidden to dogs and unvaccinated ones!"- Coming soon in a cinema(Country) near you!
Another Nazi employee - Administrative Florêncio Freitas who "works" at the USF Nascente Rio Tinto - Gondomar Unit.
"One person at a time and keep your distance"
And his sympathy radiates light...black!
As i say yesterday. Video from last year. Proof here.
Portugal - Dental Clinic of Carvalha - More corrupt "China" collaborators. The sheep employee came with a pistol aimed at my head to measure the fever without even asking for permission. she took the message right away- "You can't go to a person's edge and do something like that without asking permission."
Before entering the office, they asked to put on some plastic socks and the dental service was ineffective because it didn't solve anything. He put passing mass on a tooth that had lost half the mass. And they put €1 on the final bill to pay for additional equipment for the false pandemic without even informing the customer. I certainly don't set foot in this bunch of corrupt crooks anymore.
Currently more than 90% of videos on TV channels are fake. On the internet more than 50% of videos are fake or not current. What is the purpose of all these lies? Because good winning? Wake up seriously folks. Stop going into these narratives of this "Elite" of psychopaths who just want to keep us indoors with fear operations.
Luis Varandas - Doctor who signed an article in favor of the vaccination of teenagers receives 2,000e per month from Pfizer!
he was coordinator of the vaccine committee of the Portuguese Society of Pediatrics-is an influential person, which issues recommendations to pediatricians and other health professionals. This criminal works at the Dona Estefânia Pediatric Hospital in Lisbon.
Another psichopath to arrested/hang!
What is Enzyme Engineering? Search!
Romanian - Their Gov closed all centers because 70% of their citizens refused to get it?
Boris Johnson Father
ANOTHER CORRUPT - FILIPE FROES is a Portuguese pulmonologist and one of the great drivers of the covid-19 fraud, pushing the mandated vaccine. Covid-19: it will be one of the biggest frauds in history (11-Mar-2020) However, in recent weeks it has been made public that it will have received something like 385,000 euros (2,370).000 reais) from pharmaceutical companies since 2013!
ANOTHER CORRUPT - Miguel Guimarães Chairman of the Medical Portuguese Association!
Judge Rui Fonseca's youtube channel closed! When do you good people give up on these Globalist platforms?
Medicine for certain illnesses like thyroid problems? Gene Decode Refered this!
Diana - Dead or Alive? This is important to save Humanity?
All contents of vaccines
Eduardo Arménio do Nascimento Cabrita Minister of Internal Administration Another Cabal pedophile murdered.
Thank you Bill Gates (Satanic) for creating the Internet to help us wake up people from your Evil plan. :)
For people who still think the current Joe Biden is the real thing!
True Joe Biden Fake Joe Biden
Minutes ago I was looking at the options on my Android smartphone and what did I find? An option included in the android system called - "Contact Tracing". I will teach you how to delete tracked and stored data from contact tracing. Follow the steps in the screenshots below. First you must unlock the "developer mode" option in your smartphone and then access the "contact tracing" option:
Go to Settings and tap the option "About phone"
tap fast 4 times in the option "Build Number" to unlock the developer Mode. You will see in your Smartphone screen - "developer Mode unlock"...
Tap in the option "System Tracing"...
Tap it in the option "Clear saved traces". if you have the option "Long Traces" turn off like in the Picture. Seems we cant turn of "System tracing" option only clear the saved data. I wonder why? We know why! Deep State!
Monster Howard Stern insulting the unvaccinated and try to order the Covid deaddly vaccines! Another Demon! We are the freedom God fighters you satan demon trash!
More Lies...More Bullshit!
Before the Covid Vaccine...
CIA PSY OP always calls "Conspiracy Theorist" when we say the truth about evil Cabal plan!
06-09-2021 More Chemtrails North of Portugal. For some blind people this must be "jet fuel". Many of the blind people dont even look to the sky
Of Course Blair its another Cabal Masonic Trash!
This Must be Science? Where are the parents of this kids? There are people that must be forbiden to have Childrens!
Trump giving and selling gold and silver coins, but only for americans. Nesara came in the form of American Trump coin? But only Americans are people? And the rest of the world? Can die all? The United States has always been one of the most racist countries in the world! This is an example of this American xenophobia! Steal and kill the rest of the world to fatten "America". We have seen this movie for decades.The American Hollywood movie of thieves and genociders who always blame others for their crimes.
Another Cabal Telegram group who dont allowed the Trump name. Why? Comments are deleted before posted!
Why is there currently everyone only talk about the Covid vaccine? No longer talk about 5G, Chemtrails or talk about homeless people who are starving due to lack of jobs around the world? People we dont know are doing homemade videos in internet and asking money to the people. I never ask money for my work and i need it. This Covid vaccines looks like another PSY OP to divert people's attention and people not to be focused on the real goal.
Economy and lives destroyed due to this plandemic that once again comes from the Cabal of the United States! Many of world evil Start in United States Decades ago!
"English Federation Denounces Racial Abuses in Hungary"
In the last 18 months, the media has reported hundreds or thousands of football players around the world infected with such a "deadly" Covid disease that so far none of these football players have died from Covid. I don't understand...
Does the disease now only kill the poor? Are the media lying to you? Isn't the disease deadly as you would believe? or all 3 mentioned above? There is no pandemic but a plandemic! OPEN YOUR EYES!
Seems we are in same "boat" now. :)
Has anyone seen Christian Eriksen after he went into cardiac arrest in the European Champioship? It's just that he never played for Dinmark or Inter Milan team again.
Did it have something to do with taking the Covid vaccine 12 days before fall in the European Champioship field or was it more a coincidence according to some psychopathic doctors? Looks like he has a defibrillator in his heart! Was it the blood clots caused by the Covid=Chemical and Tech Weapons vaccines? Was it Conspiracy Theory? Where are the Media Liars Psychopaths? Why don't they talk about Christian anymore?
Masonic/Satanic Pedo Cutl
"I never forget my first child"
Where is the conspiracy?
The Covid Test Plandemic!
In Our Faces...Again!
Maybe more fake news try divided people? This is what Cabal's Masonic/Satanics want. Divide and conquer. That's the difference between the unvaccinated and the real Covid vaccinated... we don't hate the vaccinated but compassion for having condemned your health and your soul. We are fighting for us and for you!
Portuguese Judge Rui Fonseca e Castro files a complaint against the Portuguese government PM Antonio Costa and President Marcelo for crimes against humanity!
I received this sms on my smartphone today from Satanic "Portuguese Doctors - DGS"
Requirement of an electronic bracelet for a 15-year-old girl to play sports. "And do people authorize this insanity?"
France - Vaccination passport required to buy food!
Masonic/Satanic Scumbag!
What is the moral of the people who claim to be fighting the Deep state that does not allow free speech and they themselves do not allow free speech either (comments). Or are most of these people CIA agents working for the same deep state? It's Linda Paris-Macallister Tv that one of the tunnels, Ets,no proof so far reminds covid virus no proof so far too! 18 months of this without any proof and people continue to follow and worship "man" instead of God! YOU PEOPLE DONT LEARN NOTHING IN LIFE?
All Masonic/Satanic Cult BS! Lies, lies and more lies. They are all on same team and we are the fools believe in them!
Either this is all a very smart game on Trump's part or he's part of the Masonic/Satanic Cult and this is just another second-rate American movie...and we are almost all be deceived. "Do not put any man above God"
And...here it is the Masonic/Satanic Hugh Hefner!
Another Masonic/Satanic Cult member!
If Trump swore in the Bible...
What Book is this that Biden put his hand? Book of The deads?
Playboy Mansion-There were tunnels to the homes of Warren Beatty, James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and Jack Nicholson. People came and went in secret to Rape the Playboy Girls under MK ULtra Effect!
That was CIA who Help Hugh Hefner buy the land at a low price and without any tax!
Deep State Making Wars for decades with false motives!
Its an Spiritual War! What Side you are? God or Satan?
Mark of The Beast - Satan!
Let's look at the "F9-Fast Saga" movie. It can be said that the scum of Hollywood's Satanic Pedophile Elite is falling like champions. Let's start with huge scenes of ridiculous destruction, followed by super Human powers...
followed by bad actors with a terrible story and of course that hair cut to a man by Charlize Theron in which everyone who comes here to the Blog already knows that it is a satanic Illuminati symbology (transforming women into men and men into women or something mixed like hybrids like Michele Rodriguez). Even a car took to space.
It's a case of saying...there's no longer any patience to put up with you Hollywood Satanic Pedo Trash...you really are "Fallen Angels=weak...
Charlize we know where your youth comes from...let's say Adrenochrome taken from raped and murdered kidnapped babies. ... ridiculous with this haircut for half a man, half a transhumanist.
You are the mirror of the Illuminati, Ridiculous, ugly enough and soulless that has been sold to Satan long time ago.
Want to help bring down the Pedophile Satanic Elite? Avoid, at all costs, shopping at the large surfaces belonging to Élite. Look for small private stores and make a list of everything you can buy on small surfaces. Do not sponsor the businesses of these Satanic Terrorists!
If in the end the Planet has to stay clean only with people of God then all these satanics and their members and collaborators will have to disappear from the face of the Earth! Everyone who worship Satan and collaborates with him must be punished with the death penalty. No second chances for these soulless ones. Total cleaning!
Why only now after more than an year this so called nurses and doctors show up and talk? Because the shit hit the ventilator and fall in there head? How many people you vaccinated with the Covid Killer shot and kill/incapacitated since last year? Egoists, Cowards, psychopaths, Corrupted, collaborators of satan! You deserve the worst!
How do good people hope to win this fight between good and evil by appealing to judges dressed in black with masks serving Masonic-Illuminati society in courts with their unjust laws favoring the criminal and arresting the innocent? This is Corporation Court Laws not Citizen Court Laws.
Arnold Nazi
A message to the Mason/Satanic Pedo Scumbags and all pathetic little members soulless hateful noobs:
"Your poison and hate will die with you!"
"A WI-FI antenna has been implanted in a Cyborg's brain!"
Can Covid vaccinates peopole be roaming Wi-Fi antennas? An idea that occurred to me...
Can Covid vaccinates peopole be roaming Wi-Fi antennas? An idea that occurred to me...
For people hoping to wake up other people... If the person(s) you want to wake up has already had the real Covid19 vaccine, forget it. These people sold their souls and lost any will of their own, they are now an instrument of Satan.
The only people you can wake up are those who have not been vaccinated or who have been vaccinated with a fake Covid19 injection, which you only know by talking to them, if their conversations are the same as they have always been, probably the vaccine they took is fake (placebo ), if they speak and act differently and speak very little and/or with rancor and hatred
...forget it! As much as you like this person(s), this person(s) no longer exists! Don't get carried away and move on! I've been through this trying to wake up family for about 1 year without success.
Everyone makes their choices based on their moral principles! They made their choice based on false ideals without rationality and worshiping man tittles and the inverted World, and this, in addition to costing their lives, cost them their souls. Please note, this is just a personal opinion based on experiences in my life since this plandemic began. I could be wrong...but I don't think I'm
People who are "awake" often ask themselves...- Why do I tell the truth about this plandemic to my friends and family and they don't believe me? Here is my answer: These people are being victims of their false and inverted ideals, without morality or belief in God,
believing in an inverted world worship tittles and fake Idols/Gods created by the satanics to aggravate these people more than we are being victims of witchcraft=Covid fear and Tv Violent images and radio waves=MK Ultra currently called Project Monarch.
In my opinion it's a waste of time and I've had this personal experience in my life for a year trying to wake up those who have false ideals=worship tittles and fake Idols/Gods and disbelief in God. My advice? Don't waste time. This is a spiritual fight and who dont believe in God is on the Satan side=inverted world against our Freedom.
At this time its to late wake them if already take the Satan Shot! No soul!
Valentine's Day - Pedo Barbie for children to "play" with Barbie dildos? This is an Satanic pedo Cult! What more proofs you need?
I wonder....If I had the internet turned off for hours how does "updates installed restart PC" appear? Could it be that the only thing that is turned off is the internet symbol of our Windows and the internet blocked for us but not for Microsoft? Bunch of privacy invaders psychopaths.
"Several of his Friends congratulated him on getting the shot". Of course! You think its normal anyone congratulated others for take any vaccine? Have you ever seen someone proudly talking about having a vaccine as if they had run out of lottery? His "friends" already had no soul=Covid Satanshot and try pull others to hell after convince them to get the satan vaccine!
Make only Peacefull Manifestations. Dont use Violence! The Cabal wants we use violence to put the army on the Streets to lock us forever at home!
They're naming the radio waves (which they're using to affect the human brain) to Covid variants.
Where is the supposed Alliance again? Brighteon.com continues to be attacked, the channels of youtube, Rumble, Facebook and its other partners are operating at "full speed". In the case of Rumble associated with Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok, Snapchat, etc. it's not a patriotic site otherwise it wasn't associated with these Evil shits.
Not to mention that Rumble is doing the same as Yotube cheating in the views and likes of videos that tempts them, fight.
I have a lot of views on my blog and I have Rumble videos linked there and each video doesn't get more than 6 views in 2 days when the same videos on brighteon don't link to my blog and have more than 100 views each at the same time? WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Rumble Views
Same Videos Brighteon Views
Manifestação Hoje 07-08-2021 ás 15:30 em Lisboa no Rossio!
If Rumble.com is a "patriot" platform, why is it linked to Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Google which are Cabal's platforms? Brighteon.com is not linked to youtube nor does Youtube allow you to place links belonging to brighteon.com. This Cabal v Alliance seems more like another psych operation. And Rumble views are an joke. My Rumble Channel views has away more views than it shows below my videos. Same tactic as Youtube. Edit likes,deslikes and views and mess the Search the patriot videos tittles?
UK - 24 July 2021
One image say Thousand Words!
More Cheamtrails in North of Portugal blocking the Sun - 03-08-2021!
If you got the vaccine why are you still wearing a mask? After all, is the vaccine used for what if you have to continue using a mask? You are either satanic or just another mindless, irrational sheep.
Covid vaccine= Mark of the Beast
The Mark of the beast on Disney!
How the satanics "work". Always trying to convince other people that God doesn't exist. And when you're a good person you don't have to say "I'm a good person." This just proves the "Shi$" you are- Satanic. Not to mention that good people don't attack other people just because they believe in God.
Slave and Sick Masks PSY OP! Nothing New!
Actor Mike Mitchell Died at age 65 of a heart attack aboard a boat in Turkey after the third dose of Covid-19 vaccine. Vaccine-derived blood clot attack?
How to protect you from an poison/Luceferian Vaccine?
Another Covid-19 Vax Victim story!
South Africa - Persecution of Christians?
Read More
Urgent: Manuel Chaves Call this Number that can Help you and Maya! 07939005560
Sporting C.P. football players like this Luis Neto support the poison Covid vaccines in Portuguese Sport Tv Channel publicity. More Ignorant or satanic Elite club Scumbags!
IMDB is another Hollywood Satanic platform from the Illuminati. They change movie and series scores by not approving comments against LGBT/demonic series and movies to influence the general public. They prohibit free speech. do not use this platform and application junk.
stop funding pedophile genocidal psychopaths!
So manny Coincidences...or not!
The Fake Rebelion?
Smart Cities? Cabal-Evil Rich Plan?
Canadá - True image or Hologram?
Get ready with survival kits and food that we may need soon.

UK - No food in Some Supermarkets.
Are you wake now? Or we all have to starve with this fake pandemic because the stupid mask people?
Julian Hill MP another Satanic Trash
Gondomar - North of Portugal Multipurpose Pavilion is giving Covid19 injections!
Freedom Manifestations Worldwide between 18 - 19 July 2021
5G Towers in North of Potugal. Lights on. They are activated?
Luis Filipe Vieira president of the Portuguese football club SLB-Sport Lisboa e Benfica was arrested in the operation - "Red Card". Police having evidence of the injured: The Portuguese state-taxpayers, Grupo Espirito Santo-Bank and the SLB club itself that managed and Stolen more 100 million euros to these institutions.
However, the judge ordered a guarantee of 3 million euros (out of more than 100 million stolen) to set him free, making this judge, from the Portuguese state accomplices in the crime committed, as they demanded a part of the stolen money while the rest remains for this Corrupt spend on freedom.
With these unjust Laws in the courts and with this bunch of corrupt infiltrators, how can you win anything in court? When the same crime is not the same for two different people, what can you say? To change the world, you have to change these laws, judges, politicians, police, corrupt people.
Luis Filipe Vieira presidente do clube de futebol português SLB-Sport Lisboa e Benfica foi preso na operação - Cartão Vermelho possuindo a policia provas dos lesados: O estado Português-contribuintes, Grupo Espirito Santo-Banco e do próprio clube SLB que geriu e desviou mais de 100 milhões de euros a estas instituições. No entanto o juiz ordenou uma caução de 3 milhões de euros(dos mais de 100 milhões desviados) para o colocar em liberdade fazendo deste juiz, do estado português cúmplices do crime cometido pois exigiram uma parte do dinheiro roubado enquanto o resto fica para o Corrupto vigarista gastar em liberdade. Com estas Leis injustas nos tribunais e com esta corja de corruptos infiltrados como se pode vencer algo em tribunal? Quando o mesmo crime não é igual para duas pessoas diferentes que se pode dizer? Para se mudar o mundo tem primeiro que se mudar estas leis, juízes, politicos, policias, corruptos.
Portugal - "Cheamtrails" Blocking the Sun=Vitamine D. Why The Deep State are forbiden Vitamin D that its good to our health immunity system? 14-07-2021
The Great Awakening is a deep state BS.
Why? Do you really believe that people who are being brainwashed by the liar media and radio waves who no longer have any rational Thinking on top of that a large part of them have already had Covid19's killer/DNA modification injections that are capable of waking up to something they don't be death itself? All to Delay to complete Deep State Plan.
Portugal requires vaccination and Digital Passport to enter hotels and restaurants? The presentation of the Digital Passport (Mark of the beast 666- Satan=C/o/v/id=Certification - of - validation - identification) is about to be mandatory in order to enter super markets to buy food? It seems that the so-called "Conspiracy" is a reality and the conspirators (demons) are the media (TV channels and newspapers).
Information given by JN-Jornal de Noticias Newspaper.info updateThe Covid19 certificate is only valid after 14 days of complete vaccination. For access to events. But if all vaccines are not available there will be no Digital certificate. If you only have one dose of vaccines they do not provide the Digital Certificate provided by the European Union. Certificates will not give automatic access to restaurants.Certificates will be issued even if they are invalid. Hum???? News source- JN-Jornal de Noticias.
Portugal exige vacinação e passaporte digital para entrar em hotéis e restaurantes? A apresentação do Passaporte Digital (Marca da Besta 666- Satanás = C / o / v / id = Certificação - de - validação - identificação) está prestes a ser obrigatória para entrar em supermercados para comprar alimentos? Parece que o
a chamada “Conspiração” é uma realidade e os conspiradores (demônios) são os meios de comunicação (canais de TV e jornais).
As informações são do Jornal JN-Jornal de Noticias.
O certificado do Covid19 só é valido apos 14 dias da vacinação completa. Para acesso a eventos. Mas se as vacinas todas não estiverem disponíveis não haverá certificado Digital. Se tiver apenas uma dose de vacinas não fornecem o Certificado Digital fornecido pela União Europeia. Os certificados não darão acesso automático aos restaurantes. Os certificados serão emitidos mesmo se forem inválidos. Hum???? Fonte da noticia- JN-Jornal de Noticias.
Information given by JN-Jornal de Noticias Newspaper.
a chamada “Conspiração” é uma realidade e os conspiradores (demônios) são os meios de comunicação (canais de TV e jornais).
As informações são do Jornal JN-Jornal de Noticias.
O certificado do Covid19 só é valido apos 14 dias da vacinação completa. Para acesso a eventos. Mas se as vacinas todas não estiverem disponíveis não haverá certificado Digital. Se tiver apenas uma dose de vacinas não fornecem o Certificado Digital fornecido pela União Europeia. Os certificados não darão acesso automático aos restaurantes. Os certificados serão emitidos mesmo se forem inválidos. Hum???? Fonte da noticia- JN-Jornal de Noticias.
Why are the Cabal blackmail those who are in prison that they can only see their families if they agree to take the covid vaccine? Why don't they vaccinate them by force? Because we all have free will and we have to say YES to take the Covid19 Vaccine and sell our soul to Satan. If we say NO they cant take our soul! Say NO until dead! Dont acepted ever! This is my Personal Opinion!
They called me and my wife from the "health center - Nurse - Susana Bernardes Vilabril Bessa" to schedule the killer Covid19 vaccination. This is an assassination attempt so The number was reported to "authorities" who have so far done nothing. Well, it seems that if someone comes to forcefully give Satan's vaccine, I will have to defend myself to the death if necessary.
Link From this psychopath nurse
MEDBED its Good Technology or more Evil Techology to Mixed Human DNA???
President of Benfica(Portuguese Footbal Club) Luís Filipe Vieira, his son Ivo Viera and two other accomplices Arrested for Corruption. The White Hats Begun Cleaning Up Cabal's Criminals?Rui Pinto applauds this detention, which lasted several years. Rui Pinto was the PC Hacker who broke into the personal computer and provided incriminating evidence and exposed it on wiki leaks and remains in prison for a minor crime while these criminals used and abused his freedom until now.
Gesara Kick off in Portugal? NO! More youtube/Cabal Lies. youtube Cabal deleted immediately all my comments in this video. And beware if the Gesara is not a nice name given by the Deep State to introduce the Cabal World Digital Currency. Who signed Gesara's papers? Bill Clinton - a high-ranking member of the Deep state.
The Reason Why many People its "sleeping"
The Poison its in the skies and some people cant see it? How blind are you?
And... more fake news from Satanic Cabal Liar Media.
Kapwing - another Evil Masons Trash Chanel.
I love the deslikes to this scumbags chanels!
3D To 5D
Planet Earth is going through a period of energetic transition that transports the Human spirit from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension, that is, it is a Spiritual elevation from a world of conflict (3D) to a world of peace with connection to God (5D).
we believe more in what God has in store for us, but for this we must have correct faith and moral values, not letting us be deceiving by the "lord of lies" with the inverted World mocking with human beings with: Homosexuality, transvestility, transhumanism, pedophilia, corruption, betrayal, etc. Get ready because many people are "losing" their family members to a false pandemic,for vaccines, diseases, etc because in reality these people are stuck in the 3D world with false ideals and were never your true spiritual relatives, just people put in our way by 3D to confuse our connection with God. Prepare yourselves because the next times will be of total separation of the bodies and spirits between the 3D (Kingdom of Sata) and the 5D (Kingdom of God).We will still see a lot of disgrace and pain and once again it will be us who try to warn these same 3D people of what is happening that we will have to comfort them in their last moments.So we ourselves are also being put to the test by God to find out how to show love and mercy to those who did us wrong because we need these people to evolve spiritually so that in the next life they will be different for the better because we are all one. Because our spirity never dies, its imortal! Human beings are something fantastic in that their collective consciousness can change the course of the all Universe. Unleash the power of God within you! "We were not made simply to accept the bad things but to rise up for the others! The new world will be beautiful but first we will have to go through this entire process of Tribulation of suffering so that our spirit can evolve as well. RISE UP! WE ARE ONE!
North of Portugal - photos taken today 06-25-2021 of planes sowing chemicals and metals in the sky, constantly poisoning people. Do you think this is fuel and clouds?
Cheamtrails covering the sun! Why?
The Great Awakening= BS = How can there be a great awakening if the majority of people are being Hypnotized/Bewitched by the TVs and murdered with Covid Vaccines and removing their soul? How will the dead and soulless awaken?
Its all about this!
Shortage of Pears in some Portugal stores. Why?
Recommended Movie - "Dark City 1998" shows us the Matrix that we're stuck!
CDC Data Search Erased of Vaccines and people who die with Covid Vaccines. Why? Search for yourself. Click the picture.
Today 17-06-2021 The so Called Portuguese DGS=General Direction of Health Call me of this number to ask me if i want to Take the Covid Vaccine as reply and i immediately say NO. he hung up. I dont know who is this fucker which is on the other side of the phone but isnt time to we the people Hunted Down this genocidal Scumbags? Cut the Head of This snakes? Dont wait for Trump!
As this Blog advanc some days ago it was confirmed by Mike Adams Bighteon Owner that Dinamark Player Eriksen take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine 12 days before he colapse in the field at 43 minutes.
Must Be only conspiracy theories... until it hits you!
The Intelligent learns from its own mistakes, The Wise learns from the mistakes of others!!!
Ocadia Sinensis
Here in Portugal since last year the only breed of turtle allowed is this Chinese breed with the excuse that other breeds are a threat(china its the Threat), as if they were dangerous animals. I hope the breeders don't give up on creating the other races.
Paramount its Masonic and continue making movies in 2021? "Infinite 2021!
This scum of commentators from Portuguese Chanel of Sport tv calling us conspiracy theorists after we have the third European game broadcast by them with 95% of fans without masks of multiple countries. Bunch of liars. Crimes against humanity. The so-called alliance does not bring these pigs' channels down. Everything Masonic. In the end this chanels will continue on air and this masonic murders will invent some lame excuse and we will continue to be the conspiracy theorists?
Ethanol is a neurotoxin that kills your neurons, especially in cerebral cortex. So there is no alcohol intoxication it is "just" a brain damage wich cause changes for perception of reality due to mass death of cells.
United States politicians invade countries, steal what they want, they make all other countries terrorists when in reality they are the greatest terrorists in the World.
And...Another Corrupt Cabal Store Corporation!
A Portuguese journalist from the SIC channel was interviewing Portuguese immigrants in a crowded cafe in Hungary where she was the only one to wear a mask. Ridiculous these satanic ones.
English-Portuguese Newspaper Abola Are you part of the Cabala or is just the midday journalist a Masonic approving only negative comments and in favor of Covid's plandemic?
PT-Jornal português Abola Faz parte da Cabala ou só apenas o jornalista do meio-dia é maçônico aprovando só comentários negativos e a favor da planodemia do Covid?
"Covid Alert: Luis Enrique Calls 11 More Players to the National Team."
How many football players have died so far from Covid? That I know no one. Or now the Covid only kills the poor People?
An Young Couple Kissing with masks? This people its insane!
Can Q Be another PSYOP?
Who owned the Tv Stations? And Radio Stations?
This is very Bad! Turn of your Tv and Wake up!
The lying TV channels wanting to discredit who tells the truth.
"The Tv channels are Cabal's greatest weapon. It's the weapon that has made the world genocide, so if at the end of this plandemic the supposed patriot alliance (if it exists) doesn't go down and put an end to these genocidal TV channels ,
it means that this great weapon will be active and can be used again in the near future and will put any patriotic alliance in question as it leaves the greatest active weapon of this genocide. It's like arrest the German soldiers from WWII and letting Hitler free."These channels can't just pass the criminals they supported to being arrested and going from "Dark to Light". This will prove that any Patriot alliance is a scam or at the very least corrupted!
How can a person like that have a happy vacation?
Bitchute new Rules
And if the wrist temperature its in reality a reading of our nano particles profile?
Hapening Right Now?
There is a chance that both of us are being deceived by fake news on the internet and on TV channels. Cabal's plan may be misleading both with contradictory stories as they themselves battle to see who leads the new World order = a single government in the world as children, tunnels, Gesara, etc. so far nothing.
We continue to see the population reduction being made on one side (people watching TV channels) and on the other (people from the internet with the rescue of children Story). Cabal Plan:
-Reduction of the World population. - Happening all over the world little by little.
-Implement 5G to be able to implement "the Internet of things" - Happening all over the world little by little.
-Close physical stores to implement "the Internet of things" - Happening all over the world little by little.
-Close at home and do everything over the internet including shopping, tele work, studying at home.etc Give the PSYOPS of fear to people to get used to taking their children to schools,
for people to be afraid of hospitals for fear of the covid, of the injections, of the covid exams etc to have reason to close the hospitals just as they are doing with the kids in the schools to teach them satanic doctrines, pedophilia etc for the parents to take their school children to have reason to close schools,
close small and medium surfaces with the excuse of the covid so that in the future through fatigue they will never open again so that in the end there will be only the big hypermarkets belonging to Cabal.
- Happening all over the world little by little.
- Lastly, implement a single World Government - New World Order.
Pizzagate=Pedophilia Satanic Hollywood Cult!
The American genocidal Fauci! Create Covid-19, AIDS and other disease! Ei Trump give him an silver coin.
Free Silver coins only To United States and Canadá. EU people cant buy or have free the same Silver coins. Thank you Trump. :(
Seems to Trump the other Digital Warriors countries arent human beings like americans! But we are fighting the same war or not? Isn't that discrimination coming from a president who says he fights for humanity?
This Hollywood Actors arent part of Iluminati? Why they continue in 2021 doing movies? More PSYOP lies?
Satanic Ritual or what?
An Example for the others? Not at all! Psichopats!
What Means Covid?
Trust Yourself!
Another Satanic Scum try to incentive people with killer covid vacines! "Portugal - National Covid vacines above 30 and 40 years old!"
EDP-Eletricidade de Portugal has already closed some physical stores in some cities in Portugal, such as Store Citizen of Gondomar. Cabal's plan (to close all physical stores and implement the Internet of Things) continues to move forward. No sign of Alliance. Maybe another Cabal PSYOP?
YouTube Nazi is removing certain channels from its search so that it is very difficult for people to find the content that reports about this false pandemic. I don’t understand why good people continue to use these social channels when there are better ones that allow free speech, such as: Brighteon.com, bitchute.com, rumble.com, etc.
North Portugal!
Facebook app Very Low score. I Wonder Why Facenazi?
I have an Idea. I design this! :) Nope! Not sexy at all!
OMG!Today i see one woman like this facestupid Mask Mark!
All Vaccinated People Will Die Within 2 Years!
Fauci Confesses to Creating Covid-19
The Media its The Virus!
Why PCR Tests?
Jewish Rabbis Have Infected 14 Babies With Herpes...?
Cheamtrails Worldwide!
We are the Guinea Pigs of fake Covid pandemic?
Vaccines Terrible Effects!
Cheamtrails start again in North of Portugal! Where is the suposed alliance???
World Wide Rally For Freedom!
US Laws to take out your mask!
If Hydroxychloroquine dont work why kill him?
An Friend Send me This? Could Be Gesara? Forgiveness of debts?
Same place in diferent Channels Saying its diferent Hospital!
Masks PSYOPS already used in past!
Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 5 CONVICTION!
My Opinion about The 3D and 5D World Transition!
Another Psicho Genocidal- Director Doctor's order in Portugal!
José Miguel De castro Guimarães
Dante Inferno!
Planed By Design!
Masonic/Satanic Simbol in Sport Tv Porto Canal and Manny others!
The 3 Witches!
descalcify pineal gland
This Week we can see Worldwide The Yellow/Red Moon. I take This Photos today 28/04/2021.
With Smartphone camera we cant see the true yellow/Red Color. I do My Best!
April 26th: Covid swabs and masks appear to contain “hooks” and strange fibers that can be inhaled directly into the lungs:
Read More
RIP Roland A. Ford! Murdered By NHS Evil Hospital Staff!
Portugal - Lisbon, 25 April - Parque Eduardo VII - Manifestation Against The Fake Pandemic!
Masonic Satanic Genocidal Group!
Former California democratic mayor charged with multiple sex crimes against child
Read More
Satanic Pedo babe Killers
The Piramid
World Trade Center Towers
Is it no longer a conspiracy theory?
No! You dont reincarnated anymore! BB...For Good!
Covid19 Freedom People Vaccination Card!
RIP in He.. pshico!
Cabal and The NWO Agenda Goals!
All The Truth will be Revealed!
how they mislead less informed people
All Deep State Conections!
mRNA Vaccine Efects!
Human Guinea Pigs!
Because Abortion its an act against God? Any Doubts? research yourself!
Pedo "Boy Lover" Masonic Simbol!
True or False?
Now LGBT ask more Wrights then Hetero People???? 2019
"The probabilities of LGBT(lesbian+Gays+Bisexual+Trans) people are also growing to have legal protection against alleged discrimination in order to get a job or have privileged access to education and health, and thus be considered a priority in society."
Priority? Why i ask? For being genetically modified or for Worship Satan? This seems more Heterephobic Rules then any type of discrimination against this Inverted people! First was Gays Brainwash, second Trans brainwash next...Pedos! And we must accepted this inverted Behaviors as "NORMAL???? When something its normal no one need to order others like it or accepted as normal!
Read More
More of the "New Normal"? Not for me!
This Seem Normal to you????
Transgender Manequins???This is suposed to be Normal?
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My plants rotten due to soil poisoning!
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read More
Masonic greeting Between NASA and Google!
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be..."
Telegram Dont Allowed Free Speech to?
Portugal! True Clouds! Not Cheamtrail Clouds! 26-03-2021
This Seems Normal to you?
Big Brother. Why?
What do you think Tv Programs for the past fear years like Big Brother are for? Humans trapped inside home(cages) under surveillance receiving orders by there "Masters=Deep State" to study their long-term behavior. Try Predicted our(Humans)behavior for all this evil Cabal Plan happens Lock downs(lock people at home). We are Lab Rats to this Deep State Cabal Elite of Rich Powerful people. The question is...Who is the Worse? The evil Scientists who offer "us" money to participate in these kinds of Experiments,the low-value people who subject themselves to them for Money or the people who watch this garbage? Time to people wake up and rethink there human values! Live in Fear, isnt living!
Be careful with misleading Deep State sites such as this Event.PT
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Is the AstraZeneca vaccine for Covid19 dangerous and the other Labs are not? Is it a Disease or Money War? I don't Take any Lab vaccine! Psychos!
5 Ways They are Trying you into Taking The Covid19 vaccine!
Porto Canal Masonic Simbols(Portuguese Channel1 Arrest this Scum!
Akani Snooker Player!
Its an Man? An girl? or its an Thing? WTF is this? An Satanic Hibrid modified genes?
"The Great Sleep...Sleep Forever Lock at Home?"
At least this people in pic are together in an Garden!
"Trust The Plan" - Some part of people believe in liar videos on Tv others in the internet!
I Think it can Be anyone of us Tomorrow!
Q and Alliance or an PSYOP???
What is The "Number of The Beast?"
Huge Brainwash By liar Psicopaths DGS(Health System) in Portugal in Bus Stop:
"An open window could have prevented all of this!"
"Thank you for reducing travel to the essential!"
"Thank you for wearing mask!"
"The vaccine has a time and place!"
Can be Bill Gates the Third Anti Christ?
Mississippi Free?
Pingo Doce to pull shortness of breath (symptom of Covid19) with bleach?Pingo Doce está a tentar puxar a falta de ar(sintoma de Covid19) com Lixivia!
English:PINGO DOCE - Today I went to the Pingo Doce store in the North of Portugal on Estrada Dom Miguel with my sister where the "cleaning" employees would be washing the floor with Bleach, which is a toxic product that is therefore illegal.My sister, who is asthmatic and allergic to bleach, was short of breath because the "sir" Doctor Alberto Bento (the corrupt and cowardly ones have to be exposed) refused to give him a letter on how my sister has asthma and should not wearing a mask contrary to what the Portuguese lying media say on their psychopathic channels.Of course, as the bleach is toxic, many people will leave that store, mainly employees with shortness of breath, where those who are "sleeping" may think that this is a symptom of the false pandemic of Covid19! This is crimes after crimes and it has to be stopped by us good people! Politicians, Media, Health, Police forces,etc. are undermined by corrupt genocidal psychopaths.
Portugues:PINGO DOCE STORE - Hoje fui á loja do Pingo Doce do Norte de Portugal da Estrada Dom Miguel com a minha irmã em que os funcionários de "limpeza" estariam a lavar o chão com Lixivia que é um produto tóxico logo ilegal. A minha irmã que é asmática e alérgica á lixivia ficou com falta de ar pois os "senhor" Doutor Alberto Bento( tem que se expor os corruptos e covardes) se recusou a passar lhe uma carta em como a minha irmã tem asma e não deveria usar mascara ao contrario do que os media mentirosos portugueses dizem nos seus canais de psicopatas. Claro que como a lixivia é tóxica muita gente vai sair daquela loja principalmente funcionários com falta de ar onde os que estão a "dormir" poderão pensar tratar se de um sintoma da tal falsa pandemia do Covid19! Isto é crimes atrás de crimes e tem que ser parado por nós pessoas do bem! Políticos, Media, Saúde, Forças policiais, etc estão minados de corruptos psicopatas genocidas.
A True Mother Send This Letter to an UK England School!
Is a Blind Sheep or An Evil one to fool the Cattle?
Another Elite Pedo Executed?
We go to the Precious Metals Money or to Digital Money?
symptoms caused by the use of masks and derived from confinements!
Wow...Now is it a government favor to sit next to other people?
Payments for doctors and nurses who give the killer vaccine!
Our Freedom Its The Most Important Thing!
Kill Himself or What?
This is Rational People?
They Never Work For The People!
20/02/2021 - Two Final Tenis Games in Australia with Some public without Masks!
Maybe The Financial Reset (Gesara) its Close?
More UK Covid19 Vacinnes Nazi Laws!
Pedophile Codes
And This is The Real Queen?
More Pedophile?
Old Woman in The Sun With Mask on! Braindamage!
Today 18 February after 1:30 AM Some Tv Covid19 liar channels in Portugal Go Down. Channels like:
Blaze, Eurosport 2, History, Crime & Investigation, Odisseia, National Geographic, Discovery, MTV, 24 Kitchen, Axn White, Fox Movies, Fox Crimes, ID...
Covid19 AztraZeneca Poison Vaccine?
System And Method For Testing for Covid19
1-The Gays, 2-The Trans and Now they want normalized Pedopphiles?
And This Disney Cartoons its For Kids?
Donald Trump Oficial Letter!
More Fear PSYOPS
Never Put any Man above God!
Its This Kind Of Aberrations you Support?
"Dr" Fauci Its an criminal War!
Uk Government Forbiden Britains to Visit Portugal! Why?
Juiz Guerrido - Judge Who ordered the opening of the Bars in Spain - "Epidemiologists are doctors who have taken a little course."
4 December 2020 - Portugal - Lisbon Court considers isolation and quarantine measure illegal!
"I believe in Covid19 Vaccine." Really? Look what you done...
Chloroquine is a Potent Inhibitor
Reduction the World Population creating Trans and same-sex couples=Gays= Aberrations to not procreate. Same Evil Inhuman Agenda!

Microsoft Patent To Construct Chatbots of Dead People Approved!
Cancer Cure Oficial Documents to the Blind Sheeps. Put the glasses!
This is The Real Plan?
Death By Covid19 Vaccine!
If Dont Comply with Nazi Laws They are criminals!
"Dr. Faucci - Chloroquine its a Potent Inhibitor of SARS"
Portugal and other countrys. Cabal Governments are closing the little and medium business to put people at home with government paying 40% - 60% "supporting" this same business people to lock us at home forever with time of this fake pandemic and masks PSYOPS. The 3 steps of Cabal are:1-Close almost all little and medium stores let only the Cabal - Élite stores Open, 2 - Reduction of the World Population(older people and sick people are the first targets-Nazi Laws). 3 - Financial Reset with Digital Money(to control us even more take away the paper money from our hands-"In Future you dont owne nothing and you will be Happy"?). Really? Isnt Trump + Q suposed Plan to end paper money? "Back to the Gold age?" Really? If this hapen you can bet the Cabal NWO Plan its Complete. Everyday go more and more forward, they are already in the second step killing worldwide inocent people, 3 and last step will be the Financial reset. Open your fucking eyes. They are buying our freedom with some coins like Devil do with Judas to betray Jesus Christ. We are Judas acepted this dirty money and selling our freedom and our Soul. Gesara its clean money? Gesara seems to me The Financial Reset Cabal. Our World never be the same. We never be free again. Trump alliance wins or not the plan its the same. This street only have one way to the end. I Hope i am Wrong!