"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil""Never worship any man" "The truth will set you free""Do not worship false idols, nor false prophets, nor false gods."
««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»Go to Translate and choose your language option. Vai a translate e seleciona o teu idioma!
Bolsonaro and the NAZI vaccination passport!
Satanist scum... lie and continue to lie because they are cowardly losers.
"You can stick your vaccine mandate in your ass!"
"Nobody will be force to take this vaccine!"
Australia Gestapo Police scumbags!
Cover Up of Several Vaccine Reactions and fraudulent clinical trials Exposed
The Global Extortion Racket Just Got More Dangerous?
The End of the Ages?
Omicron and the symptoms that are Covid's vaccine symptoms! Coincidence?
Dr. Rita Rocha - How to visit a family member in a nursing home or hospital?
Jesus... What Happened To Us!
Why Do The Protected Need...
Pyramid and the all-seeing Masonic eye. Is it more a coincidence?
Dan Andrews Receives The Adolf Hitler Award
Metaverse- Ready Player One Becomes Reality
MONOPOLY - who owns the world? A quem pertence o mundo? “Best Documentary Ever!”
Whistleblower says vaccines have hydrogel and therefore also graphene oxide
How to Defeat Globalists?
Meta - Is Facebook Creating a Soul Trap?
Vernon Coleman and the mRNA Vaccine
Famous dead and incapacitated with Covid's vaccine! White Hats?
Masonic Satanist symbology between celebrities and corporations.
Covid Vaccines for Childrens - Nope! Bye, Bye! :)
what is hypnosis? O que é a hipnose?
"We Must Resist" - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
UK - People stand up and ask police to arrest Chris Witty!
DEAD BABIES _ Hugo Talks
Alex Jones joins Mike Adams in Brighteon studio, warning of where America is headed in 2022
You Have To Walk The Path Of The Warrior
World Wide Rally For Freedom - 20.november 2021
NHS nurse speaks the truth about the Covid Plandemic
Abp. Viganò calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance to stop global enslavement of humanity!
Meeting with Jared Rand on Off Planet Technologies - 01-04-2020
Rob Scheneider Talking about Vaccines!
What Companies like Google and Facebook do with our data!
Are you insane making lines to take the poison?
StoneHendge Big BS!
Austria - Protesters willing to give their lives for freedom!
This was the reason for the Covid genocide - New Technology - Industrialization 4.0!
Manifest money by counting money with meditation!
Portuguese doctor and the law Versus the constitution!
The Vatican's Most Hidden Secret - The Most Powerful Organization in the World!
MedBed Change your DNA?
J. F. Kennedy in Italy!
Dr. Carrie Madej - "Covid Vaccines are DNA modify the Human DNA by pulling the trans DNA!"
Another painful PCR test in a child. Crimes against humanity
Why are they causing heart attacks in children?
Australian Miltar nazi?
Now the Masonic-Satanists are trying to hit the Telegram people!
Portuguese Parliament - "Freemasonry is on the side of the state and not above it!"
Famous Maçonic Cult and Satanic simbolism
8-Year-Old Girl Tells School Board They Should All Go To Jail!
A brave man trying the impossible - Trying to wake up the hypnotized-irrational!
An invisible force pushes a man under the train?
Why you should vaccinated if they dont leave you alone?
China - Covid's Satanic Cult attacks children!
What is the similarity between the TVs and the MK Ultra Project?
One more reactioncoincidence after the Covid vaccine?
The pilot accidentally triggered the chemtrails while the plane was still at the airport?
Concentration camps in Australia?
O sistema Tóxico tornou as pessoas burras
Poland and Hungary are the only European countries that have not accepted Plandemic's measures
As pessoas que ainda não entenderam que as profecias vao se cumprir...
Members of the European Parliament prevented from entering because they are not vaccinated
After 20 years working in the School its fired for not getting the killer vaccine!
The Alien and the Solution of the mark of the beast!
Nurse explaining what this clot shots are doing to the Immune System
Sports people who fell with the Covid vaccine
Demon babies born between 202021 with black eyes.
Doctor advises which medications we should take
Nurse - Hospitals full of vaccinated patients
Manuel Chavez in Interview with BBC Jornalist!
Pharmaceutical Industry has no interest in finding a cure for AIDS
Wikileaks released the true footage of going to the moon taken in the desert
Nuremberg 75 Aniversary - History Happens again!
independent journalist asks Jacinta A. different questions, who gets annoyed and changes the conference!
2021 - O ano da coincidencia
Dr. Rui Castro - E a negação do Óxido de Grafeno nas injeçoes
Email promoting the Covid vaccine!
“Robot Nurses-!!” Does This Scare The HELL Out Of You
European MEPs who are against Covid's measures.
Stewart P. v Carrie Madej- "This Thing its alive inside Human body?"
Spike protein answer - Extract shikimic acid from pine needle
Putin: Wokeness is Creating Crimes Against Humanity, Same People Who Ran Bolsheviks are Destroying America Today
Juiz Rui Castro responde a Daniel Simões sobre a Situação em Portugal 20_10_21
Belarus Minister against Covid's measures
A 10,000§ reward to help capture Pope Francis for crimes against humanity
Police turned to the side of the people
Put on the mask - I'm eating. the virus does not attack while eating! :)
Como Bloquear usuários no Telegram!
The NWO can be STOPPED. Say no to vaccination!
Brasil - Autópsia a pessoa que morreu com 2 doses da vacina do Covid
This police is well informed and is polite and rational!
"we spent From 3 weeks to 3 vaccines! Are you Fucking kidding me?"
An entire stadium screaming - "fuck you Joe Biden!"
Ted Cruz Explodes When TikTok Exec. Doesn't Answer Question On Platform's Ties To China
MEPs Supporting the rights of workers against the mandatory Digital Certificate - press conference
Elderly people after being vaccinated with the Covid vaccine tested positive!
If you have love - Se tens amor..
MEPs Supporting the rights of workers against the mandatory Digital Certificate - press conference
Brasil - Military personnel arrested men in the house - Black hats or white hats
Brasil - Military man savagely attacks woman taking her to the hospital
Products infected with kidney cells from aborted fetuses
Robot on the street - the inverted idiots laugh - When they attack you you won't be amused!
Some of the many deaths from Covid vaccine injections
Os Torturadores do Agrupamento de Escolas Leal da Cãmara e da USF da Barrinha - 30-10-2021
LUCIFERace - The Luciferian Race component in the vaccine!
Covid Vaccine Efects in all body
Satanic priest in Christian church pulling violence
Why People Dont wake up?
How to take a bath to detoxify the body
No Food on market in the Movie - Mike Adams voice
They want to kill us because they know we are the next generation!
LGBT heterophobia Agenda underway on TV - Wake up!
Judge Rui Castro on the President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa 24-10-2021
CO2 level inside masks - Unmask your childrens now!
Fork glued to the arm of a vaccinated woman who laughs. This people are already demonized!
Carrie Madej American doctor talks about vaccine altering human DNA
Nurse Cristina Coelho indicted for giving Covid vaccine to the 7-month-old baby - Judge Rui Castro Fonseca 22/10-2021
Beware of Witchs Day-Halloween. Flu and spike proteins
Mobile phone sticks to the magnetized leg of a vaccinated baby
Graphene inside the body in some vaccinated people
Soulless black-eyed Luceferian babies - Satan is making his army!
Portugal - 7 month old baby vaccinated magnetized
Portugal - Juiz Rui Fonseca - "Os governos Mundiais são praticamente todos corruptos" - 22 De Outubro 2021
4 minutes of the reality of our world in the movie - Push.2009 - PT Sub
Edited by me
Next Plandemic? Fed ex is Helping with Body Bags distribution!
The future the Satanic Cabal wants if we do nothing!
How to save an life
Flu Cures - 18 February 1959
How to Protect you from 5G
The Power Of The Spoken Word by Florence Scovel Shinn - 24/08/2020
LED Lights A Silent Weapons Assault - 19-08-2021
Veritas Interview Deborah Tavares - The plan for humanity - Everyone needs listen This 10-10-2021
NWO - Supersoldiers
More Delay BS and The Evil Globalists Plane Continue!
Veritas Exposing Vanessa Gelman - The Pfizzer Director run away!
Tech·no·logical T R A N C E
The S C A M
The H I V E
THEY ARE REAL (Prepare Yourself Before Watching This)
it C U T S d n a - Then how can you say it doesn't change it
NASA War Documents Depopulation -WATCH THIS - VERY IMPORTANT!
How to Detect Lying & Deception
GOD is their ENEMY (Deleted on YouTube)
S A M H A I N not Halloween!
More PSY Ops! Isn't a woman afraid to take a dangerous substance bare-handed ?
Michael M. Chaves - "We have your Adress!"
Bobby Piton - "There is a more Sinister Plot Plane!"
Harry Potter Theme Song - Bandura Baby Cover
Remembering Nurse Tiffany Dover? She Die in That day!
Covid Vax Memory issues
Mike Adams interview Laura Eisenhower
The C U L T
Quantum Computers- SINGULARITY
So...What is Black Goo
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata with Amazing Sand Animation
L O S S E S on the road to Self-Destruction
Italia - Rome - Demonstration against the Digital Passport from 16th October!
Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax
Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Bandura and Ukulele Cover
Because the Music feed our soul...and raises our vibrations...
Silent Night - Amazing Bandura Cover!!!
This Has Always Been a Spiritual Battle
The R E V E L A T I O N unfolding
W H A T they don't know
What they don’t tell us about the vaccines!
Carol of the Bells - Ukrainian Christmas Song ( Cover by B&B Project )
The Facebook Outage, Internet Censorship, Freedom & The Future (With Ray Vahey)
Alex Jones Exposes Big Brother
Linda Paris - It's gone from her head - Oct 02, 2021
Ultimate Truth Bomb - Alex Jones!
The sheep that wake up will look like this
France - Another Tornado Man Made?
A UFO? Or does it look more like a Hologram?
How to complicate and lengthen basic studies
A Chinese girl was push off the 7th floor by the Government officials
Ireland’s Manufactured Energy Crisis
Clif High -Future Predictions And Living Within The Woo
The Story of Ivermectin!
Australia Complete media blackout and servers down in Victoria today?
Agenda 2030 As no one told you before!
Nuremberg Code - Regular Meeting of Council
Police must take the Covid jab or will be suspended without pay
Croatia President - "we already have 50'% vaccinated people, we dont need more!"
Dave - World Marcial Arts Champion lost leg after covid vaccine!
Covid vaccine can cause different cancers?
Abusive innocent arrest or another satanic arrested?
If people were all like that, the world would be more beautiful!
Video Enhanced!
Hologram Deep State or God´s Hand?
Delta is Rising? How? No test for it!
Protected for life or Noob for life? :)
Removal of The Vax Content within 30 mins of jab?
This video today in many social media its from last year - 07-2020 More misinformation! More PSY OPS!
Link to the old video:
https://www.brighteon.com/ee3b6218-5c27-4c59-89ba-88348cae61c6Melbourne rattled by magnitude 6.0 quake
The earth was groaning in Australia! Scary footage of the 6.0 earthquake in Melbourne!
Scary ERUPTION in Italy! Mount Etna Volcano Eruption in Sicily, Italy
La Palma volcano eruption today. Evacuation, possible tsunami and live updates
La Palma - volcano Black lava swallowing Rich people homes! God's hand?
Australia - Construction workers block Melbourne bridge
Isnt Tom Hanks Pedo already dead or arrested??? - "Finch 2021"- Only BS!
Problem-Reaction-Solution - The future? Everyone must to see this!
Pack against Corona virus offered by the government of El Salvador - Amazing!
Mr. Jordan - "if the Vacine Protects why vaccinated need protecting?"
When Protesters Strike Back - We are one!
Posting in Social Media its ilegal?
Do you have a police warrant? Not? So go fu"# yourself! "That's what I told you.
Beautiful place - A peace of heaven!
June - Whack ‘Em All- How To Get Away With Murder.
Digital Currency isnt Cabal Plan?
Gene Decode - Human Robot Project
Bibble - Vax, Satan and God!
Dr. analyze the blood before Covid vaccine and after!
Fallen Angels Language code?
Facebook comments from thousands of people who lost family and friends to the Covid vaccine
Did you activate the common man's law to get your friend out of the Hospital
Nicki Minaj - persecuted for talking about the ingredients in Covid's vaccine
17-09-2021 - The Cabal Has Played Their Last Card, & We Win ~ Gene Decode
The Alien PSY OP and the Mark of The Beast
Swiss - Bern - People being hit by water jacts
Swiss - Digital passports to enter in restaurants to close the phisical stores and implement Inthernet of Things
Austrália - people arrested to visites cemiteries or more scare Videos to lock people at home?
Spanish lawyer denounces fraud in the Court of Haia - SP/PT
Hillsong Worship - I Surrender (Lyrics) 8D Audio
Why am i always Trigering? you arent! You are an beautiful person! Join us babe! FREEDOM!
9-11 No Planes!The Cabal Blowed up the Twin Towers
Nephilim or Thartarian Giants?
A Conversation with Black Pigeon Speaks (Felix Rex)
Portugal - Judge Rui Fonseca, threatened, so he decided to respond to the threats
Convention of States
Portugal - Judge Rui Fonseca explains why the confrontation of words on September 7 with the "police forces"
subtitled by me!
Gryffin - Best Is Yet To Come - 8D Audio
Covid Actors
The New World Order
Joshua Shapiro interviews Gene Decode, Sept 8th, 2021
Coordinated Desinformation Compaign
Nurse and the Project Shield=Covid Camps
18 Years old kid with heart problems after taking the Covid Vaccine
Operation Dark Winter in 2001
Is the king of bankers afraid?
Big Screen on the Street - Excellent idea!
11-09-2021 - The Ant Beings - with Gene Decode!
07-09-2021 -Hayti's Earthquakes Decode - with Gene Decode!
Pfizzer wants Military bases as Guarantee for vaccines!
Try to forbiden people pray God and try pushing Green(satan) Cards
Masonic-Satanic forbiden the Kids to play!
"Will you demonize us again?"
9/11 - Real Footage without planes!
Edited and Enhanced to HD!
UK - "Pandemic has amassed a recorded number of Bilionaries - 171"
Alex Jones - "Trump Q are an PSY OP"
Biden - "I dont think it should be mandatory"
"It Depends if you are vaccinated or not"
attract children to get the Covid vaccine with a cartoon offer
"Let's see how the contact tracing works on the New World Order"
Trudeau - "Its time to be vaccinated"
The kids and Schools today
French People say no to the Health Passports in shopping centers
France - More demonstrations Against "health Passport"!
Bradley Loves interviews Gene Decode about Timelines
Canadá - 9 active cases out of 100,000 cases!
"Its an code to Rewrite the Human DNA!"
France - Shouting freedom with the mask of slavery on their face???
A Gray State 2017 - Full Documentary!
Manifestations against Draconian Covid measures
Creator of PCR test - Kary Mullis
Russian Militar Coronel Talk about the Plandemic
Spain - Young people are being kick off homes because they refuseded Covid deadly vaccine
Militar Retirement - D. J. Trump US President signature?
Covid Concentration Camps - rationed food?
"Celebrities Paid 70$ to lie to you!"
Luc Montagnier - "i am outraged that we want to vaccinated our children"
9-11 Project Blue Beam
how severe is Covid brainwashing People? Petition to Arrest Anti-Vaxers?
We dont need to see our CDC data do give you the Covid Jab!
David Adelman - The People's Lawyer
05-09-2021 - UK - People in the English Stadium without masks.
What irresponsibility of rulers and NHS no? Who are the conspiracy theorists Now?
A Big Transformation Happening right now?
PCR test its used to Detect Covid and Delta variants???
The informative paper of the Covid vaccine in Blank?
Covid mRNA Vaccine create trillions of spike proteins
God People v Satan People
10 Most Secret Societies that runs the World
Not Secret anymore!
More media Lies and lies ...and lies!
Spain-Madrid - Pfeizzer Lab burn or more fake videos?
Take Covid's vaccine and receive free donuts in exchange for your life and soul?
"I lost my Husband because the Covid Vaccine...show compassion!"
Where is Jesus and God to save this man? Ask Trump he is selling and giving gold and silver coins only to americans! He must to know! xenophobia!
1989 - The American Medicine book - Coronaviruses=Common Cold!
I went to several pharmacies to ask what is in Covid's vaccines
Lisa Shaw BBC Jornalist die after the First Covid Vaccine!
I hope She is an evil jornalist.
Greece - Protest of doctors do not want to take the Covid vaccine. But can they vaccinate other people?
Satanic Covid witch - "FY! Please die!"
Cat with mask. Insane People
Oprah - "a 7 year old boy likes it when he is masturbated?"
"You will need 3-4 shoots of Corona Vaccines every year"...for now...
Rockfeller 1991 Leaked Speech
Gene Decode #44 Vaccines Kill and Mandates
British People using Comon Law!
How the media works! Lies and more lies!
We work in Covid vaccine only 2 days!
How Brainwash people eat with the New BS Virus
There is a New BS Virus in the Town!
Trudeau - "You are a traitor to Canada and in Canada we hang traitors!"
Aliens & Demons
WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel
Us and Kate Shemirani Shut Vaccine Centre 30.08.21
From Vaccinated to Unvaccinated- How People Can Wake Up?
Israel its an Holy Land or an cursed land? Mel Gibson, Bin Laden,! Zionists-Jews?
Doctors are Getting Bonus to inject your childrens with...
Don’t Make Dan Angry!
Spanish Flu in 1918!
Health Digital Passport its the end Game - We Cant allowed that!
Children's hearts damaged by Covid injections!
President Mexico AMLO warn the World!
Lars Andersen- Turning Arrows
Australia - Nazi Medical Apartheid Measures
You may never trust another celebrity after watch this video!
Make no mistake, even though these people have a different opinion from us and take the Covid vaccine, they are still being deceived by politicians, doctors, famous people, Media who are telling lies and murdering them. These people who have been vaccinated are our family directly or indirectly, they are human beings and they are being deceived,
stolen, murdered by this bunch of Pagons/Masonics/Satanics.
France - Forbiden to enter the restaurants/supermarkets, the French had a picnic in the streets? Brilliant!
They show us how to take Down the Cabal
2 Doctors die with Covid Vaccine!
The Vaxxers are Spreading The Disease?
The Time to Action Against Cabal Agenda its Now
How to wake up other people!
We demand Trudeau Release Docs...
Kennedy Junior Exposing Corrupt Corporations!
We The People must Create our Own Society!
How to De-Google your Phone and Protect your privacy
The End of The Game!
Amazing - Chinese Protesters Defensive Tactics!
People affected in different ways with the Covid POISON vaccine!
911 WTC- Definite proofs that no planes ever existed!
US militars trow away there medals because unfair wars
LGBT Agenda - Don't you find these people with inverted sexuality funny anymore?
Abducting people from their own home! Medical Apartheid!
Trump finally ask about the Vaccine Passports!
I Stay like this after taking the Covid Jab! - "I do it again????"
Luc Montagnier!
Israel Manifestation!
CDC Director on The Vaccines - Lies and more lies!
WOW Beautiful - This is for real?
Australia - unvaccinated to be forced to put signs on the door?
Australia - Nazi Concentration Camps!
Nazi Gestapo Laws in Australia!
Who is The AntiChrist?
No Organ Transplants for Unvaccinated (Mirrored video from Tracey O’Mahony)
The liar Media says Now The Free Thinkers are Terrorists!
20-08-2021 - Liar Media Fu#$ again!
Corona its only for Poor People-only the employees are wearing a mask!
The 4 Steps to Cabal Financial Reset - NWO!
Alexa - how manny people in UK in 2025?
Masonic/Satanic Cult!
Chris - More you comply more they push harder the Evil Plan!
Australia - Ilegal go Outside Between 9PM to 5AM
Norway Hipnotic spiral 720P
Video Clean, Enhanced and Edit to HD
German nazi police grab man and put out the bus - Where is the Social Distance?
Masonic-satanic collaborator testing Covid
Infowars Jornalist sued and with arrest warrant.
My Soon has 12 years Old - vaccinated him not on my dead body!
They are Dummies and now they blame us the unvaccinated :)
Spanish researchers find an way to remove the magnético graphene?
Russian hacked vacinated people with an nano chip?
War on Childrens - sexualizing children - Gender Agenda
Netherlands - Children in presence of naked adult people in TV program
Police hanging on a gate :)
In other words...They will Kidnaped your Childrens to Satanic Rituals and you will authorize That?
New Zealand Move to Level 4?
Oregon and FEMA Camps - No longer conspiracy theory!
Disney Pedolandia Exposed!
911 - No planes hit the twin towers
Learn Some Defensive Tactics with Hong Kong People
France - Antifa gorillas preventing people from entering Elite satanic Food Market!
21-08-2021 Take your Masks Sheep(or Satanic)
21-08-2021 More Government-Medical-Police Tiranny - "Nothing to do with the constitution"
21-08-2021 Kid sprayed with pepper spray by Satanic Nazi police!
Brave Kid!
21-08-2021 - Australia Freedom Fighters Compilation
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"
Julie Asange in 2011
New Zealand in Lockdown - Dont Talk to your Neighbours
Alex Jones - He told us about the Agenda 2030!
Transplant Denied To Unvaccinated Person
This is all Planed. Why They planned?
France - Unvaccinated People Forbiden enter in Market to buy Food!
How to fight back against The Evil Elite and free yourself
Vaccinated are Super Spreaders?
Compilation of Dead and Sick people after the Covid Vaccine!
PCR test - how it works?
PCR Test on another babe - Crimes against Humanity!
Sigmund Freud - The Psichopath family - Madeleine Mccann´s
5 Ways Cabal wants to change the World
Treatment For Prevent People die From Covid Vaccine???
Nonsense - World of crazy people
Nurse refused Vaccine - "how many people have you vaccinated in the last 18 months?"
Ireland - Vaccinating Kids with age 12-15?
Australia - "you cant take your mask to drink alcohol!"
France - People refused the Digital Passport = the Store its Empty
Motivational speech - Diferences between an Good and an Evil Person
Let's go visit the parking lot Empty of a Covid Hospital level 5
Thats what The Globalists want. Colapse Physical places!
People Around the World Fighting for your Freedom!
Elvis Presley Files - Dead or Alive?
Fauci Diedly Dogs Experiments
Try to save lifes informing people about Covid Vaccines!
Corona dont exist for rich people!
Obama - NWO - The Ordinary men and women are to small Mind...
SMUG CNN - Punish The unvaccinated!
Be an real Man and an Real Woman
The face masks box description
Australia - Lockdown Nazi Covid Measures
Denmark Abolishes all Covid Measures
NSW Police comissioner - "Nuremberg 2.0"
Being judged by theirs-Elite Satanic Laws with a judge in black who is probably part of them doesn't seem like the best way to end this elite of corrupts.
NSW Chief of Police Gets Lawsuit served live on Tv
DR. Peter M. - Destroy Covid Narrative in 5 Diferent Ways
CNN/CIA - Try blackmail peoples Freedom! You are an Sovereign Being!
Peter Stone - The Sovereign Project - How to be Free
Matt Hancock - The Social Distancing Stops the vaccine from spreading?
CIA Secret Mind Control Projects
How is This a Thing- 17th of August 2021
Katie Hopkins Breaks Into Australia & the nonsense of quarantine
Kid Destroy The Covid Narrative - "Get up" - PT Subtitles
School Board Meeting - "we know who you are!"
The Future Worldwide if we dont Stand Up Against This Satanic Terrorism!
The Future of Television?
Magnetic Pill?
Australia its Gone - No Freedom!
Satanic nurse enjoy saying - "The unvaccinated will all die!"
Itália - Terrorist journalists!
To Arnold Nazi - "Screw our Freedom?" you are Terminated!
Covid vaccine dont have any info paper!
Human Traffic - Childrens naked in a truck!
The awakening its happening!
Police trapped in the post with their handcuffs
France - all cities Freedom manifestation Against Covid Plandemic Measures!
France - bring your own chairs and table
I dont Upload more videos to RUMBLE Deep State!
People manifestation in Manchester enter in the Mall
Another video Removed by Deep State Rumble Platform!
satanic "baptizing" a child!
Another video Removed by Deep State Rumble Platform!
Arnold Nazi Terminated :)
Freedom Protesters invading Vacination-Killer Centers
Canadá manifestation!
High school in Geórgia kids put in confinement if they speak each others!
John Paul Rice - Amazon removed the Movie "an Child voice"
Panda eyes children caused by Adrenochrome - recovered child returned to parents! REMOVED FROM MY ACCOUNT BY RUMBLE! RUMBLE CONFIRM MY SUSPICIOUS: THEY ARE DEEP STATE!
The real Deep State Agenda 2020-2030
Rockets, Cannons, Drones Blast Salt Flares Into the clouds
John Tod - say the name of the witches and talk about Illuminati and Demon possession
All Psy Ops to split us - Climatic Changes, Racism, Gender, wars, political parts, LGBT, ISIS, etc
We are The World...We Burn The Masks of Slavery!
Aluminum filings from cheamtrails covering cars and people?
Australia - Electronic ankle bracelet?
1787 - Masonic Priest Struck by Lightning...Divine Intervention?
55 Acre Shropshire Crop Field Destroyed with Chemtrails?
The Truth About The Tuam Scandal with David O’Reilly
Arnold Schwarzenegger (Satanic Pedo) - "Screw your freedoms".
I deleted all movies i have on PC of this scumbag! Take the power you give to them!
Thomas Renz - The first attorney sue Fauci? Isnt Trump and Patriots arrested Fauci last year?
Mike Adams - "People like Paul C. With Good Nutrition can take and survive the Covid Vax because he wants to be a Doctor!" ???
Transhumanism Through Vaccines - Super-Humans and Super-Slaves
A Fully Vaccinated Man Requesting That The Unvaccinated Stand Their Ground
Lockdown Season- Climate Change, Australia and Hope
Gene Drive in Mosquitos
John Kennedy Jr. Murder By Hillary Clinton?
Aspartame in the Food!
Breathe...The Chemtrails!
Check your Passports!
Covid Swabs are CIA Nanotechnology Implants to alter brain waves - DR. Rashid Buttar!
Enhanced to HD
Cyntha - Sexual abused when was as Child
Oscar - The First Human Modular Prototype. OMG!
Ex-CIA - "AI Already on! Dont take any Covid test or vacine!"
The Trials of Transhumanis - Androgyny and the AntiChrist!
Expelling The Demons!
Cabal can kill us but he can't take our soul by force. They need our consent.
Derek Prince- Breaking Generational Curses!
Outer Space isn´t a Place...its a lie?
The Spirit Realm - Lucifer and The False Light!
France - Digital passport flyers 2021 printed in January 2020
France - Manifestations 2021
Inner Earth Civilizations Exist (Deleted by Youtube)
They Want To Shut Down The Internet?
How to Make Free Energy Device for Light
The DARPA Hive Mind Control Grid
Mason talk to much...He had to be interrupted by his Masonic Brother
All Covid Plandemic Decoded in few than 2 Minutes!
Covid Vaccines - induced Mutations May kill 2.6 Billion of people!
Its Been Planned For Decades!
Graphene's reaction when they receive a phone call. Now imagine graphene inside the human body.
Adrenochrome how it works?
Joan Collins faked death in 2014 by Satanic Masonic Elite?
A Message to My Harassers - This is what God people say to the Satanic cowards...
Australia - police kidnap people on the Street to vaccinated or more Fear Psy Ops?
The Total Enslavement of the Human Race Engineered by Kill Gates and Satan Klaus
Light Workers in North Shore Auckland- New Zealand!
Joinh Voight Angelina Jolie Father Talk about True and Lies in Hollywood!
Gene Decode - What´s the jab got to do with it?
VERY IMPORTANT - How to Legally says NO to the vaccine = Mark of the beast.
Disney Sorcerers - Stealing The Innocence of Children!
Television is not the Truth Network 1976
The Fluoride Deception!
PUB To Lay Charges of Mass Murder By Government Policy!
United Nations Food Supply Control!
The United States is a Crown Corporation!
How fake racist movements start.
Masonic Witchcraft Initiation & Ritual LEAKED from Turkey - Never say YES
Michael Rapaport From "Prison Break" RED PILLED With the Covid Vax!
Why Talk About Flat Earth?
See The Light!
Kate - "We emasculate men's and now we don't have men to defend us"
Very true, great Soul!
Italian Parliament - People say NO to Vaccination Passport!
Michael Chaves - Maya - From patient with kidney infection to patient with Covid after enter in the Hospital - all story -
Movie Producer- Defeating Censorship With Film, Exposing Big Pharma on Big Screen!
Fauci - The liar psicopath. Tomorrow he say the oposite!
Mk Ultra Project = Covid measures. Now it's called Project Monarch!
Do you know what most chocolates contains?
Google + DARPA Makes ID PIll - Mark of the beast!
The best magik trick with Masks. :)
God People v Satan People - The war for humanity!
31 August 2021 By our laws!
Mike Adams v Clay Clark and the Mark of the beast!
The Irish Light Jornal.
Inhaling dried Mullein Leafs stop asthma atacks?
Dandelions are extremely good! How to cock!
A Mariland´s Nurse Report...
Mike Adams - Covid-19 isn´t a pandemic plan, it´s an Extermination!
The Hidden Dangers in The Water You Drink!
USA - Mother Shuts Down School Board For Promoting CRT
In 10,000 Covid-19 Vaccination Invitations for people between 18 and 29, only SOME dozen show up!
French President Emmanuel Macron mandating people having to be vaccinated...
Flooded México 3
Flooded México 2
NHS - LGBT & Demons made this NHS publicity?
USA - All BS. PSY ops of Fear. They cant mess in the free will that God gave us!
what does graphene do?
Flooded in México!
London - Trafalgar Square 24-06-2021
124 million Democrats have taken Trump vaccines… what happens if they start dying?
The Red Pill!
"I have 2 crimes to report!"
DR. Peter Maccullough - Pgeizer, Moderna, J&J are genetic bioweapon!
Manuel Chaves - UK - Vaccination Identification Certificate!
UK - Doctor Samuel White Resigns. Why only Know you resign Doctor?
Telegram new Permissions- Bad or Good permissions?
Obama - "I get one, Michelle get one". One what? :)
Freedom protesters or ANTIFA with masks pulling violence?
CIA Director Jonh Brennan admits that Chemtrails are real!
Why you cannot Trust What gets in The "Most Prestigious" Medical Journal´s?
World Manifestations against Covid Restrictions 24 - 07 - 2021
Fake Pandemic planed - Hollywood Satanic Scum Shows in the movies!
World Wide Rally For Freedom 24-07-2021!
Peter - "I do not consent the Corona virus acts!"
Emily - I do not consent the Corona virus acts!
Satanic Insane People - "You Can't Run Here Because You Breathe Faster"
Do you want to cook without gas and without electricity?
How to Make an Oil Lamp _ Oil - Lighting for Hours
Sir Patrick Vallance Ask Boris about Covid Vaccines! (Deleted viral Video)
UK - No Food in Some supermarkets.Are you wake now? Or we all have to starve with this fake pandemic?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - They are Making so Many mistakes, we are close to a tipping point
MK Ultra 2020 Remote Mind Control Trough Amazon - CIA Cloud Computing Electronic Brain Link-You must Watch!
The Illuminati Decoded by Sadhguru
DR. Peter Mccullough MD - Dangers of Covid-19 Vaccine
The Agenda for the 21st Century - The United Nations - World Banking
Look into Bases under Antarctica
Nixon - Secret Conversation - Cabal homosexuality Agenda!
UK - More Media lies about another fake pandemic to take our freedom!
Ai - Making an video from an Photo only with an Smartphone
Vaccines and the history of diseases!
The Deadly Truth About Vaccines
Australia - Rise up - August 2021
Vaccines & Wireless Radiation
Reptilian Nancy Interview
The Philosophy of Life
Amazing Interview On The Phone With Linn Wood! Nesara - Gesara!
The Timeline Deception Part 2 - We are Living in year 1200?
Portugal 18 July 2021 - Demonstration against the Covid restrictions
Dolores Cannon on Atlantis and inner earth
Why The Vaxxed are Acting Strange - And Why it Will Get Even Worse!
Alex Jones - Cabal wants to intercept and modify our text messages to impose the Digital Passport.
The Timeline Deception - The final of this evil?
Interview with James O´Keefe From Project Veritas
Covid19, 5G, Vaccines, lockdowns, etc are crimes Pre planed against The Humanity!
MED BED - list of diseases it cures. Good technology?
Navy Veteran, America First Congressional Candidate Sues Facebook - 15-07-2021
"Even if the Covid19 Vaccine can kill people under the age of 27". PT Legends
Voting Machine Tampering! Poll Challenger Says Batteries Being Removed, Potentially Erasing Data 15-07-2021
Mel Gibson Talks about Hollywood and The Illuminati PT Legends
Greece - against covid19 vaccination in teenagers
fluoride poison in Water cause countless deaths!
South Africa - a country destroyed by evill!
14 July Covid19 Training Quarantine Curse in US? True or More psy ops of fear? PT Legends
human blood cells before and after Covid19 vaccine
Portugal Doctors - "we are in an endemic phase ~ the pandemic no longer exists!" English Legends
Fact-Checkers Will Monitor YOUR TEXT MESSAGES! Big Tech Will Intercept Personal Communication 15-07-2021
My body my choice- Informed Consent
Dr. John McGreevey (Ryan Dark White @johnheretohelp) - Whistleblower Interview 15-07-2021
Dead Birds Worldwide - 5G?
Ulfberht - How make this sword over 3000 degrees in the time of the Kings?
It this the end?
Dr. Judy Mikovits Drops BOMBS! Fauci EXPOSED, COVID Defined 14-07-2021
Highwire - Dr. Vanden Bossche Warn us - This Covid Vaccines destroy our immunity system
Child Vaxx Clinic EXPOSED! Undercover Dad Records Atrocity at Jefferson County School - 13-07-2021
Book of Enoch and the true Religion
Thousands on the streets of Greece today against the experimental Covid Vaccine
Irish protest after corrupt politicians allowing only vaccinated people to dine and drink in pubs and restaurants
Chris Sky storms out of interview with David Menzies - More Cabal "journalists" trying pushing the Racism PSY OPS!
New age Religion=Worship Satan?
FIREWORKS! Chris Sky vs Mark Friesen - Patriot vs Politician Debate Recent Controversy - 13-07-2021
Former FBI Agent Call to Action - How Do We Handle Fear Emotion, Propaganda- 13-07-2021
The demons have taken over our world?
Explosive micro drone with AI
ZOOM MEETING! Barack Obama, Pelosi, Holder - Preparing Their Soldiers for Anarchy - July 13, 2021
Globalists Take Aim At Retirement, Forcing Americans to Their Knees - July 12, 2021
Breastfeeding No Longer Just For Women! Marxists Push Men to 'Chest Feed' - July 12, 2021
EXTREME DANGER For Flying Families, Leaked Emails Expose United Executive - July 12, 2021
Satanic NWO Agenda Exposed (2016)
Stolen History - Lifting the Veil of Deception!
Fake Tom Cruise Leaving Wimbledon Men's Final 2021. Youtube Cabal video.
11-07-2021-Fake Tom Cruise on Wembley Stadium v True Tom Cruise video on BBC - dont Belong to the same Moment!
Variant Factories- The Next Phase is Now Unfolding
Invisible Cloak
Child Sacrifice at 6.000 Years ago
Vaccine "Strike Forces" to target "anti vaxxers" in their private homes
Bill Gates (Deleted video) - Why he switched from Microsoft to vaccines!
AZ Deep State Senator Mark Kelly EXPOSED, Clinton Ties, Scandals & Lawsuits Loom
Globalists Announce MANDATORY NATIONWIDE VAXX PLAN Via CNN- -It's Time to Impose
Klaus Schwab, Globalist Elites Planning Attack That Will DWARF COVID-19
American Citizen Phone call to NASA Scientist!
Pineal Glands- How They Work.
UK citizen fined 80 Pounds for 5 minutes.
Covid Real Dead Numbers!
Busta Rhymes its Awake
Matt Hancock - human genome
EXPOSED! Nazi-Like Door-to-Door VAXX, Gun Surveys, Skin Color Exams
WHAT IS GRAPHENE OXIDE- Main Ingredient in Pfizer, AstraZeneca Vials Explained by Medical Expert
Aliens or Demons in Disguise
Pedophiles,LGBT,Racism - evil Agenda to Divided us and Reduce The World Population!
MedBed- Technology.
The Great Reset Explained in 5 minutes
Male v Female body Diferences
Mark sexton - Lets all Suport Mark and Freedom!
Alex Jones - We are all Britney Spears in tyranny.
Dr. Michael Yeadon - Full Interview - The Awakening 3 02-07-2021
Masonic teaching of the inverted Satanic religion
Kristen Meghan is a former air Force Pilot Turned Cheamtrail Whistleblower - PT Subtitles
Two-Tier Society, Vaccine passports & Psychological Manipulation
Radioactive Boars Emerge As A Result Of Fukushima Disaster. PT Subtitles
Priest of the Godess
Connecting The Dots- The Construction of The New World!
Order Out of Chaos - The Hidden Doctrine of 2020
Insane Person or Demon?
The Deep State Globalist Cabal Will Be Able To DELETE YOU With The Flip of a Switch!
Another Mass Shooting In Chicago!
FACT- 82% of Pregnant Women in Study Had Miscarriage. WHY is the 'Media' Hiding THIS?
MAGNETISM - Vaxxed, Un-Vaxxed, Food - What's Happening? Who's Behind Graphene?
They´re Preparing for the End Game!
Mother who signed up her daughter for Covid's vaccine has to face the effects of her bad decision.
Vaccines Anyone - What is in it?
The Demonic Truth Behind Emojis - Portuguese Subtitles
Lady Gaga - 911 Symbolism & Numbers Decoded
Vaccinated people are an authentic magnet.
Dr. Simone Gold - "Rise up against Medical Apartheid!"
Chemotherapy does not Work but it is being used! PT
Its The Land on The Moon True or False ? True evidences from true Footage!
Guest Claims Gen Flynn is -Real Q, Oath Keepers- Kingpin Named Top Fed Informant and MORE!
3D To 5D!
Planet Earth is going through a period of energetic transition that transports the Human spirit from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension, that is, it is a Spiritual elevation from a world of conflict (3D) to a world of peace with connection to God (5D).
we believe more in what God has in store for us, but for this we must have correct faith and moral values, not letting us be deceiving by the "lord of lies" with the inverted World mocking with human beings with: Homosexuality, transvestility, transhumanism, pedophilia, corruption, betrayal, etc. Get ready because many people are "losing" their family members to a false pandemic,for vaccines, diseases, etc because in reality these people are stuck in the 3D world with false ideals and were never your true spiritual relatives, just people put in our way by 3D to confuse our connection with God. Prepare yourselves because the next times will be of total separation of the bodies and spirits between the 3D (Kingdom of Sata) and the 5D (Kingdom of God).We will still see a lot of disgrace and pain and once again it will be us who try to warn these same 3D people of what is happening that we will have to comfort them in their last moments.So we ourselves are also being put to the test by God to find out how to show love and mercy to those who did us wrong because we need these people to evolve spiritually so that in the next life they will be different for the better because we are all one. Because our spirity never dies, its imortal! Human beings are something fantastic in that their collective consciousness can change the course of the all Universe. Unleash the power of God within you! "We were not made simply to accept the bad things but to rise up for the others! The new world will be beautiful but first we will have to go through this entire process of Tribulation of suffering so that our spirit can evolve as well. RISE UP! WE ARE ONE!
Gesara in Portugal announced! True or False? Ron DeSantis white hat?
Kate Richards call to UK Western Hospital to....
New Age PSYOP - 13 Illuminati Blodlines - MK Mind Control!
This is an Medical Apartheid!
Revelations of a Mother Godess - We are an Slave specie. You Must Watch this video!
Covid's coffin empty. What do they do to Covid Corps? Sacrifices?
London Dont Belong to UK!
EXPOSED! Deep State - COVID, Jan 6, 'Vaccines', Stolen Election
Polly saint George talks about premiers being threatened not to comply with the publics demands for alternate therapies to viruses and more
DELTA VARIANT IS HERE - Be frightened but listen to this woman who has found a solution.
Chainless Slaves!
Dr. Michael Heiser´s - Demons
Meditation can be Portals to spiritual entities?
Dublin March 2020 - hypocritical monarchy
Movie Spawned Pentagon’s Alien UFO Disclosures, Predicted Bioweapon, Caused POTUS Reaction
Parasitic Demonic Oppression!
Rudy Giuliani - UFOs Are They Real?
Are they taking the transport away from us by finding reasons?
G7 Extinction Rebelion - Another satanic ritual?
No Covid in the UK Streets for this Satanic Trash Scum?
Doctor explains the contents of the covid vaccine!
Are we be constantly separating with these contagion tactics?
The 4 Industrialization - 5G - The Internet of Things - The NWO!
LED street lamps emit radiation
4 Pilots from british Airways die after they take the Covid vaccine!
COVID-19- Canada Responds- MP Derek Sloan Raises Concerns Over Censorship of Doctors and Scientists
Deep State make the Troops kill inocent people based in Patriotism,Honor and menace of others countrys
Masks are the New "Abnormal"?
DARPA AVATAR PROJECT-Linking your Mind to a Digital World
Secret Undergroung Bases - Secret Projects!
Major Covid Vaccine Side Effects Now Being Reported!
Illuminati Hunter Child Party - The Most Evil Place on Earth!
As long as the majority obeys the Nazi minority...
Heavens Gate & SATURN
When you’re making a difference, they will shut you down. Watch the following video to learn what they did to Dr. Katherine Horton.
As this Blog advanc some days ago it was confirmed by Mike Adams Bighteon Owner that Dinamark Player Eriksen take the Pfizer Covid Vaccine 12 days before he colapse in the field at 43 minutes.
MASS HYPNOSIS- The disturbing psychology behind the global vaccine SUICIDE CULT
How (k)Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health
Why Ronaldo dont like Coca Cola neither Junk Food!
Water Shortage, Food Shortage, Eat Fake meat!
spike protein - Mike Yeadon!
mrnA Vaccines its an Genetic code to Altered our DNA!
Neurolinks and transhumanism Aberrations!
Everything is just a repeat...
Depopulation = 3 Billion People!
"Dont Worry bout a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right!"
Sickening To Realize - How Easy it Was Divided People!
Heartbreaking - Deaths from Covid vaccines!
HAARPA Project in North of Portugal? 12-06-2021
Footballer Christian Eriksen Fall down in the 43rd minute on the pitch at Denmark v Finland European Championship. Coincidence or Covid's vaccine?12-06-2021
Politician Exposing Deep State in Public!
Nexrad & HAARP; Undeniable Weather Control Connection!
Elon Musk Exposed-Reese Report!
Area 51 - Roswell - Aliens in New Mexico its an lie?
45 PCR cicles give 97% of Covid False Positives. Medical Fraud in UK!
All The Lies of the British Satanism!!
Chemotherapy does not Work but it is being used!
Free Tesla Energy?
Australian Citizen Assaulted by Australian Nazi Police!
The Hexagram Deception - The Star of Saturn?
Portuguese journalist interviewing immigrants in a crowded cafe in Hungary. she was the only one wear a mask!
Four towers implosion of the coal-fired power plant, one of the last in the UK?
President Macron Psychopath Assaulted. Macron Must be hang with crimes against humanity!
120 Year Old Masonic Ritual Book!
All American Presidents descending From The Same Person?
Heart Issue on Kids after Covid Vaccines
Information Flows Downstream?
They Kill Kennedy because he wants finish American Deep State?
Amazon Taking Control? Next Step Covid Pass?
Canada's new head of state?
Swollen tongues are effects of Covid's vaccine?
order over the chaos-They create the problem to present the solution!
MK Ultra in Monkeys and People!
Cheamtrails-Poison in the air!
Illuminati infiltrated in powerful places all over the world
You can see CIA’s manipulation of actors and politicians in the odd speech patterns!
God Helmet? Tech its Sat.. not God!
Facebook - Data Leaked! Mark Zuckenberg- "They Trust me, this Dumb Fuc..!"
The military uses active denial systems against political dissidents Part 2
The military uses active denial systems against political dissidents Part 1
Back in the early 1950s, Dr. James Olds implanted the brains of rats to manipulate them through the stimulation of pleasure.
SPITE THE ILLUMINATI- CLEANSE YOUR PINEAL GLAND! – But, for God’s sake, stay away from kundalini and the third eye that’s nothing but jibberish.
Horrifying study reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire body- Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes and more
Fill the back Car Van with gasoline! Retarded or what?
Dr. Peter Breggin, pointed out that children and political activists were targeted under them.
Delgado also used cybernetic implants to make chimpanzees ignore their young.They are also doing it to us!
cybernetic implants in the 1950s!CIA use similar technology against Us?
Your television is watching you?
Join Us - Dont let Kill (inject) our Childrens!
Shock waves on the moon!
Lee Merrit - "vacinnes trials kill all animals!"
71 Old Lady Murdered by Covid Vaccine in France-Lyon!
How Much EMF Radiation Are We Exposed To?
Dr. Sherry - "Vaccines have at least 21 side Effects!"
London - 29 May - March For Freedom!
Bill Gates & Melinda Gates and Epstein Connection!
Seagull went shopping without mask! :)
lawyer sues manager and stores that force them to wear masks ilegally!
London Received an dose of The Virus! In our Faces on Tv Psicho Chanels!
China - "There is no evidence that a virus leaked from an Lab." Really?
The Majority Says NO.take the initiative!
One of the Best video of D. Icke - Wuhan Lab 'Virus' Leak- - There Is No 'Virus'!
Dr. Dolores - mRNA Vaccine Side Effects!
David - They're laughing WITH you!
Why do they want you to keep dandilions out of your yard?
Huge sink-hole Appears In Zacatepec-Mexico, Puebla MAY0 30 - DUMBS?
This is the Journalists on Tv that you believe?
Genius - Another God Lesson!
Cell Phone Radiation Tests & Shielding Materials - 2014!
Hacking the brain with nanoparticles!
Operation Highjump - 1946 U.S. Navy Antartic Research Expedition!
-180- Movie - Some People dint know Who is Adolf Hitler? Really?
You are now seeing the real purpose of the LGBT agenda? Mocking God!
India Covid Variant dont exist. All Media lies!
Crazy Bible! Ray Comfort. This guy touch our Soul!
Should children be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine? ...
"Of course not, bunch of psychopaths!"
B(K)ill Gates - "an epidemic will intentionally ..."
Putin dont allowed any vaccines in Russia but say Russia Vaccine its the best...
"All the same. They all want to earn money with Covid BS!"
Dr Pierre Gilbert 1995 Magnetic Vaccines!
WOW...Commander-in-Chief of The Republic of Canada...
True info?
Police in India Hammer Nails in hands and feet for not complying with Nazi Covid 19 Laws? True info?
This Cabal Elite must have an Cristal ball! Or Maybe This fake pandemic its planned at many years ago!
Corrupt swine flu data and attempted corruption to start a Pandemic!
hydrogel its safe?
Your employer cant force you take the vacine!
This corrupted people must be all hanged!
Only 6% of People die with Covid! Fake pandemic!
Testing Positive and die after Vacinated with Covid19 vacine!
Human Bases on The Moon!
Vaccinating children with the Covid19 vaccine in exchange for an ice cream without parental consent!
Trump was right!
Are You a Good Person?
War On The Awake - And It's Only Just Begun - The good has not yet won. We Must Keep fighting!David Icke!
Fantastic Rational Video-Evolution vs God! People deceived by Cabal System!
The Cyber-Attack Narrative is Underway!
The N.A.T.F. is taking action against corruption on every level!
Bill Gates Just Warned a New Bioweapon Will Wipe Out 30 Million!
Try to build Comunities.
Gorbachev Illuminati and other possessed (people) - 1997
The Weaponization of Social Media!
Sound Waves Energy Weapon targeting People-IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN...
Top interviews of the week- Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Lee Merritt, Greg Caton, Tim Truth and Clay Clark!
Robots order Humans! This Evil Plan will failed.
Alex Jones and The Cabal Evil Agenda - Vaccines Sterilization study start in 1974 - Video from 2009!
Pcr tests inventor kary Mullis found dead before covid plandemic state!
How to crop your food!
An lamp Light up in vacinated man arm???
Obama - "people must surrender your Wrights" - Banned Video!
People Will Be Surprised, Why Is Nobody Talking About This!
Nobel Prize Luc Montagnier - Covid Vaccine create Covid Variants!
Satan Certificate 1800 years ago!
WATCH The WATER... Trump, Q & Deuterium!
The Project Bluebeam Perfect Storm Is Coming!
Governments imput fear to control population!
yes, we talk about the Covid vaccines!
Covid jab put metals in our body ?
This is a plan Created by 179 Countries!
All lying politicians without any masks! Aren't you afraid of Covid?
Rewrite our DNA with Covid Vaccine and Plug our Brain to the worldwide web!
Did you Know Macdonalds have this Poison Igredient?
Red Cross Say: "Who takes The Covid Vaccine cant Donate Blood!"
A man who take The Covid Vaccine connect with all Wi-Fi Devices?
Tucker - Fauci Confessed Created Covid19 in Huan Lab!
Shortage Microchips, Trump selled to Deep State?
The VACCINE DEEP STATE is spreading spike protein particles in acts of terrorism to perpetuate the plandemic !
Canada Doctors Speak out about Covid Fake Pandemic!
Eric Clapton Teaching an little girl!
Light Angels vs Dark Angels!
Fauci and Obama Fund Huan Lab to...
The Club of 27!
step up and rise!
India - Fake pandemic genocidal! Mandatory Jab!
Bacterial Pneumonia and Death!
5 Most Powerfull Families that Control The World!
This Satanic wh... Deserve an "shoot" in the brain!
We are 7 Bilion Stronger!
Fiona go to Court fight for the Truth!
BEYOND STUPID- Some people who obsess over organics, avoiding GMOs, pesticides and glyphosate, are now taking the experimental covid vaccine and think it’s awesome!
I have an massive blood clot in my body after The Covid vaccine!
Liverpool - Covid's killer vaccine bus destroyed! Well Done Boys!
India - Harvesting of farmers banned by the Nazi government!
Drag Queen Try imposing Evil inverted Rules over Normal People!
Doctor - We dont need to be vaccinated. our immune system Its all what we need!
Portugal - Covid Nazi Rules on the beach!
Woman paralyzed from the waist down after second Covid's injection!
A Satanic woman beating another woman for not wearing a mask But its ok Grabe her?
Imagine if was an white girl beating an black girl like that? This is pure Evil satanic unsoul person nothing more!
Stargate - 1998 The effects of the mRNA vaccine. In our face! 23 years ago! BOMB! SHARE!
My Edition
The population has to pay for useless PCR tests. Covid is an excuse for taking everything from us!
Covid Vaccine Dangerous side Effects!
Did people vaccinated with the Covid vaccine authorize death itself?
Elon Musk - You Know what AI Is? More dangerous than Nukes!
Mark of the Beast Chip inside Vacinated of Covid people!
Biden - "I am an Zionist!"
Gareth Icke Talks To Gal Shalev in Israel & Dr Andrew Rallis About The PCR Test Fraud
Barcelona - end of Emergency State or Worldwide manifestation? More Tv fake News?
The Wicked Bible, or how “God’s Great Asse” destroyed a man’s life - Cursed History!
Only manifestation doesnt work-We must go protest where the evil Elite business are!
Important Voices of Disclosure ~ You May Not Have Heard!
The Shroud of Turin, Secrets of the Resurrection - Documented Miracles!
COVID-19 Plandemic- Depopulation Program Exposed Iatrogenic Death Cult - Dr. Ben Edwards
Countdown to mass FAMINE has begun, and people you know will starve and die!
Covid vaccines must stop because they cause infertility and thrombosis!
CWP-Covid World Plandemic!
The History of Europe- Every Year!
Humanity's laughter is the answer!
German Scientists found an Alien Portal in Egipt?
Stew Peters- Cabal and there evil plan! We dont give up!
Thedros DNA altered!The New Abnormal? Not for me!
Nose Blood-Covid Vaccine Reaction?
Hypnotised Humanity In The Covid Era - David Icke!
May 1st Anti-Lockdown Protests in Ireland!
Daniel Wood-Arizona Court accepted the case of fraudulent elections?
US Laws to take out your mask!
Our Smartphones take picture of our face every 5 seconds!
Kazan - Russia. at least 9 Killed. Childrens jumping out of Windows!
Another Child Victimized by the Covid Vaccine!
Girl was Microchiped! You dont beilieve it? Watch it!
Another fake Cadaver from the Covid fake pandemic!
Militar Suppressed Technology - Flying "iron man"!
Manifestations Worldwide
World Leaders To Stand Trial For Genocide As WFA Notice Of Liability SERVED! (Videos) – Ariyana Love
Pine Needle Tea- an amazing tea high in vitamin C and A!
Ivermectin is 99% effective in Treating Covid?
Why smartphones are Dangerous to our Health?
Nano or Morgellons worms in baby nappies???
Michael Jacksons Statement expose Deep State and Media!
1958 Encyclopedia britannica volume 2 A - Explains how there is a dome at end of Antartica!
Our Freedom and our Life its being threatened like never before!
Family Music - Lord of The (F)lies!
You Think the Covid19 tests are hygienic? Think again!
Colombia anti lockdown Protests. Nazi Police brutality!
Prince Breaks The Internet!
The Number of People Vaccinated Trough The World!
Safety Leaflet inside the J&J Vaccine box? Think again!
Elderly woman tells us about the Covid19 vaccine procedure!
Leigh Dundas - I'd rather die on my feet fighting than be a slave - Stand up!
A citizen left the health center with the Covid19 vaccine bottle to test it!
More evidence of media lies!
Do you know where your child´s image is?
"God is Hope. Dont Give up Trump!"
Gen. Flynn - "This must be in Every School!"
Jim Caviezel - We were not born to fit in, we born to stand out.
We The People are in charge! If you Comply with Covid19 rules you are an Evil Worker!
Christiane Northrup M. D - No Darkness Cant beat us!
ALIEN Fake Footage!
They are human sisters!
Natural Nurse ...Where are you?
You dont wear an mask!
Sheeps Manifestation on Supermarkets!
No Mask Rave party in Supermarkt!
Factcheckers are paying by...
Why vacinated childrens?
CDC is Reporting They Vaccinated People in 2021 for Covid who died in 2001,2010,2014. They Vaccinate Dead People?
The Vengeance of the Archangels!
Parasit Mind Control!
The Secret Society You´ve Probably Never Heard Of!
Fauci - All About The money!
3 Thousand Trafficked Women Rescued Were all Pregnant!
EXTERMINATION machine unmasked- Why vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick!
NASA - Artificial Cloud Machine!
WHO - Fake Tedros Adhanoms. Already replaced?
Klaus Schwab - We will feel the nano in our brain!
Indian Farmers' Warning- If Our Resistance Fails, They Will Starve The World To Death?
Pentagon whistleblower warns of UFO intelligence failure; Tucker reacts.
Nurse of evil try to kill patient!
Holoportation Technology!
A New Treatment to Prevent People Die From Covid Vaccine????
Brasil manifestation in são Paulo!
Brasil Mandatory vacination - "i dont want!"
The Face Nappy Retreat - David Icke
Micro-Chiped inside body? How does a magnet hold in a human arm?
We will get our freedom back this year?
I am tired of all This!
Stay away from the supposed Covid19 doctors!
Club of Rome?
I Am The Last Surviving Prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trials!
The Biggest Fraud in Against Humanity its...
Removing Nano Poisoning from the Body- The War Against Nanoparticles & Nanotechnology in the Body
The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?
FDA Will Not Authorize or Aprove any Covid 19 Vaccine! Lets see if isnt another lie...
Spanish Police Nazi beat up a little girl for Breaking the Covid Curfew!
India - burnt plantations people murdered by the corrupt genocidal government!
India - The government is killing thousands with vaccines and killing unvaccinated!
India - Genocide of thousands! We must all Rise up or Die!
Nurse - It was the kindness that got me! Don't get carried away by anger!
This cartoon shows us the whole Cabal plan! Rise Up!
Kill the White People its The Solution? Really?
Media Terrorism -Edit and falsify videos to get people to get the killer vaccine!
Proof of God in DNA?
G. Flynn - Message to Digital Warriors!
Day 3 of my walk to London - trying to ignore the aches.
Nurse - walk 5 hours a day 50 days in a row. Join her! Support God/Good People!
The MOST Self-Destructive Habit!
Climate Change- The Con Behind the Covid Curtain!
Covid swabs and masks appear to contain “hooks” and strange fibers - April 26th
That Nurse Who ask Questions...
NetFlix Is Not what you think...
The Truth about Being the -Stupidest- in the Room!
Canadian PM and his Wife gets the most fake Vaccine!
Indian Resident Telling us about Indian Media Lies!
The Real Reason to Vaccine People!
More Fake News on Tv . Same Picture edited!
Fuck off antifa!
The girl in background vanishing???
They are Manufacturing Extinction!
Nanobots Creating Zombies!
Swine Flu Oax Esposed!
Evil NHS Medical Staff prepared to Kill Roland A. Ford!
TITANIC - The Shocking Truth!
Football or Facism - What matters most- - The David Icke!
The Passion of The Christ - Jim Caviezel (complete interview).
Natural Nurse - mRNA Vaccines, AI!
Why you cant take out your Smartphone battery!
We are Demonizing White People!
Natural Nurse - We Must Stay Away From Vax People!
Pay to People Share About Vaccine Info Lies!
Evil security dragged a child out of the establishment!
USA - People Together in Restaurant Without Masks! Freedom!
More Set up Videos To The Liar Media from Corrupted Cops and Antifa!
UK - Corrupted cops and Antifa Set up Fake violent video to the media Liars!
24 April - The police tried to arrest a protester but the rest of the protesters did not allow!
UK 24 April - The Great Awakening?
Childrens with Masks on School its Psichological Torture!
Patients With Mental desabilities in California are forced Injected with Covid19 Vaccines!
Trump Push The Vaccines!? Why? Reject medical tyranny and “Faucism” or lose your freedom forever – April 21st
New Security Cam Video of Columbus Police Shooting!
Vladimir Putin issued 'stark warning' to US, NATO!
War Against Deep State or War to Rules the NWO?
Isaac Kappy Brackets and Jackets March 20, 2019
The Antarctica Ice wall!
More Police Corrupted Psichos.
69-year-old woman gluing information leaflets about the false pandemic attacked by psychopathic Nazi police officers!
Healt Care With Masonic Satanic Simbols in cars!
80% Covid19 Vax people will die!!
Nurse Warns - "Stay Away From Vaxxed People!"
Psychopaths among true health professionals. Cancer inserted in the vocid19 tests?
The injection that the famous and rich of Elite take!
Conspiracy theorists? Dont Think So!
Message to the Dark Controllers!
Scandal at Merck, former(old) one executive Whistleblower - RIP Brandy Vaughan a True Angel!
The Vaccine Business!
Ontario Canada Goes Full Covid Police State!
Queen Elizabeth in Druid Sacrifice. Rare Video!
GVP #187 - Dolores Cahill - World Freedom Alliance!
The Best Plandemic Song Letter!
How to Kill Morgellon Fibers and remove from your Body!
NWO - the governments of the countries will disappear!
Anthony Hopkins Psicho Satanic Liar!
Nazi Police being Pushback?
Moon Its Made of Plasma?
The Great Re-Opening Campaign Talk To David Icke!
Former California democratic mayor charged with multiple sex crimes against child
Cabal Evil Plan to put People Suffering and Die With an Fake Pandemic!
General Michael Flynn at Health and Freedom Conference!
Jim Caviezel at the Health & Freedom Conference!
Doctor Ryan talks about Covid19!
Isaac Kappy's last video - "I am one of Them Now!" 2019
I think Isaac was a victim of evil spiritual forces that led him to make some kind of bet that at the very least stained and damaged his soul!
Uk Shefield - We Not Consent!
Italian Parlament - Sara Cunial - The Agenda of NWO!
Covid Microchip - When it's reality it's no longer a conspiracy theory!
666 Decoded?
Trump - "I never Let you Down" - Doing 6 Masonic Sign! Why?
Houston Doctor Treat Over 20k Covid19 Patients with Hydroxychloroquine!
My Dead Die After take Covid19 Vaccine!!
Another Proof of Q - Barcode!
CDC Reveals 130K Deaths Are From Pneumonia...
General Flynn - We have a President!
Katie - Be in the wright side!
Dont Be Part of tyranny. Join Us!
Downplaying The 'Vaccine'- What's Really Going On?
The Two-Tier Prison Society!
How The Media Fake Covid19 News!
Satanic baptizing a child!
Bus Giving Covid19 Killer Vaccines?
Another death from the Covid vaccine19?
MSNBC reports Bill Gates' connection to Epstein????
Bitcoin go to zero!
The Six Apollo Moon Landings in the 1960 and 1970 were elaborate hoaxes!
How Explain The Truth to the Sheep? :)
All Trust & Faith is Now Gone - Boris Promised there Would Never Be ID Cards.
Boris Cabal Masonic Liar!
Washington - Sewage water floods the streets?
Minneapolis Being Boarded!
Got My Second Covid VaccineToday!
Pakistan - Men are our Fight Back Against the Lockdowns!
James O´Keefe Confront CNN Director!
More of The New Abnormal Inverted World!
Can You put your right hand on the Bible?
Messages From The Underground - David Icke Talks To Paul Seils!
24 April - We Need You!
Jury Awards $417M in Cancer Lawsuit!
James O´Keefe He´s Suing CNN For Defamation!
Mike Lindelll Will open an rival Amazon Store !
Natural Nurse in Toxic World!
Another Proof Masks dont Work!
Covid19 Ilegal Rules are an Fuc.... Joke!
Another Person die after the Covid19 Vaccine!
IMPORTANT- Please Share this Call To Action (8 Weeks to Reverse the Erosion of Fundamental Freedoms)
Fusion of Human and Machine - Our future?
Freemasonry, Secret Societies, & The ‘Pandemic’ - David Icke!
Self Defense on the Bible!
We Are The Flame Keepers!
Perverse violence against children - a dark secret of the upper class! On TV!
Ritual murders of children- Satanism and pedophilia are widespread!
Russia - Saint Petersburg Fire in Historic Factory!
6 Million Jews Die Before WW2?Or Not?
Turkey Tv its Reporting About Evergreen Hidden Contents!
We live under the dome ?
Malawian Government ordered Vaccine From Ziwbabwe - They got Large Rock!
A van carrying Presidential Election Ballots is Intercepted by Civilians!
Script Masks Flipped - People have Enough!
Victim of pedophilia - Anneke Lucas Testimony Part 4 of 4
Victim of pedophilia - Anneke Lucas Testimony Part 3 of 4
Victim of pedophilia - Anneke Lucas Testimony Part 2 of 4
Victim of pedophilia - Anneke Lucas Testimony Part 1 of 4!
Deepest Dark - Documentary in 2021
CDC its working for the Pharmaceutical Labs-Kennedy Junior!
Speech Against Coronavirus Vaccines on Children!
The Queen & The Kamloops Kidnapping 1964!
Remote Control Human Beings?
Cancer Lives on Sugar AND...Something Else !!
The public "put out" Pub health inspectors!
Another girl take the jab and have an aneurism?
Florida Governor
The Killer-Trans-Code-nano vaccines and The Media Lies!
What makes Putin a Patriot- A True Leader of Russia
We Live In A Simulation Created By A Non-Human Entity - David Icke!
The Planned genocide is in Plain sight!
Plamdemic Covid19 Rules are Government Blackmail and torture People!
Deadly Immunity by Robert F. Kennedy Jnr (Full)
Morgellons Natural Cure?
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War 2 - Part 2
Elon Musk - "The Humans will become Hybrids!"
We Put an Code inside the vaccines!
An Second Black Sun?
Dr. Shiva Filled an Lawsuit against Twitter CEO Jack!
Israel did 9/11
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War 2 - Part 1
(if its true, its the best documentary i watch)
Technology better than Green screen - how media Make fake vídeos!
The Cabal its Removing this video From Internet!
If you refuse covid test no treatment!
Cheamtraill polluting the planet!
Masks infected with nanotechnology!
imigrant children Abandoned ask for help afraid of being kidnaped!
UFO´s and Ets´s on Bible?
Owners of little business protest - Italy
Vaccines passport backup in Liverpool !
It is worth taking a risk and getting the vaccine?
Alex Jones stop an car with kidnaped Childrens!
Another Celebrity Fake Covid19 vaccine - Mariah Carey Bi...
Closing Little and Medium Business,Biden Cheat Sheets, illegal immigrants in Covid19 centers, - Alex Jones!
How to build an anti cheamtrail Dust!
SKINWALKER RANCH! Beyond The Headlines! Cryptids, UFOs, Cattle Mutilations, Poltergeists, WormHoles!
The ANCIENT Technique To Making Tough Decisions - Gregg Braden - TRY IT NOW!!
Mark Attwood - Dont be an Evil Colaborator!
Katie Hopkins Vaccine Passports!
One Person Order Child use mask on an plain! Who is This Person?
How to save the life of a family member who took vax – April 6th
Evergreen all Story!
More of the Evil Illuminati - The Human Babes Haters Elite !
Why dont teach you Cursive Write?
Tested People Can have nano technology in there body and they are contagious to others?
True or another PSYOP to split each others now lie to wake people??? I Wonder....
Everything Is Connected - David Icke!
Deep State blew up an house belong to a witness against hillari!
How to Fight Deep State Plan!
No pilot on the plain says the face monkey!
This guy its human? Seems an hibrid,half Human half monkey!
Our DNA Holds an Message!
Rights, Freedoms and Medical Tyranny!
Sydney Powel-we are under atack!
Great man put the Nazi Gestapo outside his home!
The Best Herbs for Parasites!
No needle in Belgium Health Minister!
Vaccine Reactions & Deaths Are Just The Tip Of The Iceberg - David Icke!
Covid its an Plandemic! Doctors Alliance!
And we are the conspiracy theorists?
Outside Welsh Parliement as Hundreds gather to demands pubs open!
Storming the parliement in Serbia. Result No more curfews. It´s simple as that!
Chinese Troops invaded myanmar Territory!
The Walls Close In - Stop Fascism Now , Or It Will Be Permanent - David Icke!
Dilara Esengil!...Hollywood REPTILIANS! Satanic ARCHONS! DUALITY And The Great DECEPTION!
10 Reasons Why Freedom Is DANGEROUS?
Vacate your Slavery Bond commonly known as your Birth Certificate...
Earthing & Grounding- Science & Benefits
The OCCULT Burger king EXPOSED!
The Great Reset - Davos Agenda 2021 IN FULL MOTION!!!
You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!- The Great Reset!
The US Border Disaster Is Long Planned - David Icke!
You Will Never Drink A Coca Cola (poison) Again After Watching This Video!
2 US satellites destroyed by the Chinese? EverGreen Incident Related?
'Vaccine' Depopulation - A Must Watch - David Icke Dot!
This How Corrupted Police Protect there Corrupted Genocidal Political Masters!
Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma –Mar 31st!
The Lost Forbidden Teachings of Jesus!
Human Trafficking Worldwide!
Nurse Nicky - What does the mask protect you from?
It is necessary a child show us the way?
Great Reset- The Leaders Colluding To Make Us Powerless!
Everybody Needs To Know This- - Edward Snowden!
It's Worse Than We Thought- - Edward Snowden!
INSANE Celeb COVID Videos DECODE! FEED US! Laura Ingraham Shape Shift!
The Secret Spells of Language the History of Magic!
Satanist attacks a citizen who informs about this Plandemic. Is aggression "Normal" now?
covid19 Dangerous tests!
Dont Comply With Cabal Agenda!
Covid19 Bodie Bags. Its also Covid fault?
The Chosen Ones?
Pedophile´s Fetiche!
What has the masks inside?
No Autism in Vietnam Before Bill Gates!
Covid19 Plandemic "Rules" are an Joke :)
Belarus Continue Free Without any Plandemic Rules!
USA Makes $1,45Billion in Toilet Paper in 1 Month!
Facts About Human Body!
David Kurten There has to Be an Nuremberg Trial!
Putin Survives Assassination Attempt By The NWO Illuminati - 2016!
Demons MATERIALIZING in start of epic WAR against humanity – March 29!
(Dexter) Child saved from EVERGREEN shipping container. No coincidences!
What are these planes vaporizing in people?
3 Nuclear Russian Submarines in Artic ice for the First Time!
An Brave Man in Shopping - "Take out your masks"
An Amount of People Enter in Shopping Without Masks! Pandemic its an Lie!
Human trafficking in containers!
Why the Biden administration doesn't show you this?
God its Everything! Will you stand up fight and Win for God or will you hide and lose with fear?
Russia - The Nomal Life Continue! No Plandemic! No Media Lies!
If the lying media catch this video they say that these happy people in Russia have already take the killer Covid19 vaccine or that they have all died with Covid19! WAKE THE FUCK UP! COVID19 Pandemic ITS AN LIE TO TAKE US ALL OUR WRIGHTS!
Trump in favor of Vaccines? FAKE Joe Biden - Mar. 18th!
Another nurse speaking about the Covid19 Empty Hospitals!
We Drink Pure Water? Or Not?
Matt Hancock Grilled By Tory MP's Over Vaccine Effects Data Collection Failures!
Michael Flynn's relatives sue CNN for $75 million over report alleging QAnon affiliation!
we must Learn How to Build an Shelter! Soon we will need it!
Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society! Mar 26
Dr. Anne McCloskey - Freedom Alliance!
Secret Spells of the English Language!
God’s Great Reset and surviving the tribulation - Mar 24th!
"Internet of Things" - Are Smart Devices Helping or Harming?
"Internet of Things" its Cabal Deep State Plan to Control us as never, to control us forever and definitively make us Robots! Why many people make 5G videos, Deep State videos, Vax videos but dont talk videos about "The Internet of Things" one of the first Deep State Goals?
A Grandmother´s Plea! Stand up Before you Lose Everything!
AI Contaminated Masks?
The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand!
1 year in the New Abnormal!
Vaccinated People its Still a Danger?
Why The Lockdowns are being Continuously Extended?
A Mother Allowed this? Or another DS Fake Video?
How to fake videos!
Dr. Pinkie Feinstein-I Will Not Keep Quiet!
Australia - I was quarantined for 1 month and had to pay 10K to see my children from a distance!
Does this seem normal to normal people?
Plagues, demons, UFOs, cyborgs and covid squatters Mar 23, 2021
Covid19 even Exist?
2021 Samsung Galaxy Apps Crashing Fix!
No police available to stop masturbation man in public!
Welcome to the Big Reset - Financial Reset - Red Alert - Mike Adams!
I warn you about Deep State NWO and the Cabal Big Reset. Trump its Deep State or not? I never trust him! The Cabal Plan of Close the little and medium stores and lock people at home its forward!
If Biden isnt in White House Neither in USA Power, who Aproved the USA Bad Laws? Trump in Shadow Government or Biden Without no Power?????
we are eating trash food. proofs of that!
Covid19 Fake pandemic Scare Tactics!
BBC? - Fuck of!
If Biden isnt in White House Neither in USA Power, who Aproved the USA Bad Laws? Trump in Shadow Government or Biden Without no Power?????
Singing is Dangerous but Beat unarmed people isn't it ? Terrorist media!
If Biden isnt in White House Neither in USA Power, who Aproved the USA Bad Laws? Trump in Shadow Government or Biden Without no Power?????
Covid19 Zombies Walk in Germany - Berlin! Manifestation Against Ilegal Restrictions!
More Fake Videos. More lies on Youtube and Newspapers!
Another fake video. Why did the owner who uploaded this video on youtube disable comments? What do you see in the video? A man without a mask hitting an alleged 20-year-old pregnant woman? First,
the man without a mask to put deceived people with masks against those who know that this Covid19 is a fake pandemic and that they are against masks. Second, it seems to you the walk and the pose of a 20 year old woman ???? She looks more like an old woman or an man or an trans! Third,
will an attacker who is angry at someone first put a bag over his head and only then punch the other person? Watch the deslikes on this YouTube video of the deep state!
You are breathing plastic fibers from the masks!Plastic is carcinogenic.
Plastic is carcinogenic
Beating you for your Health!
This disease is so serious that we can die of everything including the brute force of the Nazi police, we are not allowed to die from Covdi19 yet to prove that it exists.
Worldwide manifestations against the Ilegal Covid19 Restrictions! 03-20-2021
Teen minor arrested in Germany! Not Police! Nazi Psychos!
Disneyland pedo pics and the Famous!
Covid19 nonsense rules!
Animal Data Base extermination Worldwide?
Hillary Clinton is a robot?
Manifestação Mundial Pela Liberdade- Portugal, Lisboa! 03/20/2021
Portugal Manifestation against Ilegal Covid19 restrictions!
The Portuguese media Liars say only 200 people was in this Manifestation!
Its time to grabe this media psico liars for the neck and judge them!
Portugal - Pingo Doce puting people on line to buy food with masks based on a false pandemic!
Morgellons Found in Covid19 Test. Please dont do the Covid19 tests!
Covid19 positive test on a grape!
Dra. Karen - What is The vaccine Covid19 mRNA?
Trans humanism - Transform Humans in...Things!
We are told an Needle save us!
Dr. Fernando Nobre - Presidente da AMI - Covid19 antigo SARS é uma Gripe Normal-PT!
Dr. Fernando Nobre(presidente da AMI)-"Covid19 its only an Flu that does not kill more than the normal flu. In Portugal the former Covid19 derived from SARS is the sixth leading cause of death, which does not justify these measures and there are no asymptomatic patients. A patient always has symptoms! I refuse to do any kind of tests to travel Because PCR tests are not reliable or acceptable! When our freedom is put in cause, the constitution allows us to defend ourselves! The use of masks is at least inhumane! Husband and wife with mask inside car is a case to ask if they also sleep with a mask! The objective of this supposed pandemic is not to protect the public Health, the objective is different! Jesus was the best politician because he gave us the love!"
Dr. Fernando Nobre (presidente da AMI) - “Covid19 é apenas uma Gripe que não mata mais do que a gripe normal. Em Portugal a antiga Covid19 derivada da SARS é a sexta causa de morte, o que não justifica estas medidas! Não existem pacientes assintomáticos.
Um paciente sempre apresenta sintomas! Recuso-me a fazer qualquer tipo de teste para viajar Porque os testes PCR não são confiáveis ou aceitáveis! Quando a nossa liberdade é posta em causa,
a constituição permite nos defender nos! O uso de máscaras é no mínimo desumano! Marido e mulher com máscara dentro do carro é um caso de perguntar se também dormem com máscara! O objetivo desta suposta pandemia não é proteger a Saúde pública, o objetivo é outro! Jesus foi o melhor político porque nos deu o amor!18/11/2020
Gay Book to Brainwash your Children Accepted the Abnormal!
CEO Explain Fire in French Cloud Services Firm!
Woman Cures Cancer with RSO!
Read More
Philip Dwyer Questions Irish Police at Covid19 Checkpoint!
Syria a ballistic missile strike on oil tankers in Al Hamran of Manbij in Syria.
Kids With Masks on School its an Huge Crime!
Ashtar/Metatron - Deprogram Brainwashing Mind Control Frequencies NOW!
If They Can Create Animated photos Imagine What They can do with videos!
London 20th March Freedom protest.
20th March Worldwide For Freedom - Freedom Alliance!
Pfizer's abusive vaccine deals!
No Covid19 JAB No School?
Pizzagate Pedophile Rich/Famous on Tv Channels!
If The Masks are to Protect us why they beat and Arrest People? Its to protect us?
How to Stop Windows 10 from Spying on You (really easy)
Covid19 Nuremberg Trials Incoming?
They are put Nano tech in your brain Trough Covid19 PCR tests! - Dr Rashid A. Buttar!
Protests in Lisbon-Portugal against Covid19 measures
"No More dictatorship!"
All Evil Famous Bloodlines related and PSYOPS Secret Plans! 2020!
Elderly person felt bad after the covid19 vaccine! Blood in the mask!
Population joined a woman without a mask Police want Arrest. Everyone took off their mask and protect Her! The Police back up!
911 and The Fake Plain Twin Towers atack!
Behind The Covid19 Tv liar fake Videos Footage!
Spanish people fighting the mandatory killer vaccine Nazi police! The great Awakening?
Resistência - Não Sou o Único - Live in Lisbon - Portugal!
Can be Tesla the MediBed Creator? Health Medicine!
Nikola Tesla inventions for Vibrational Medicine!
Former NHLer Sean Avery smashes man’s car mirror in creepy video!
You are a Common Person Not an Miss or Mister!
We will see next months...
Video shows balcony railing collapse that killed 7 Bolivian students!
Health Passport Ireland 7GrainsofSalt!
Nudge Strategies- Persuasive Vaccine Messages!
Met Police Federation Chairman Claims His 32000 Officers No Longer Want To Enforce These Rules!
Removing Nano From Your Food!
Mask Mandate Ends in American States- Texas & Mississippi Lifts Mandatory Mask Diktat! Thank God!
HELP ISRAEL! Israel people under atack! Real Testimony!
Ilana Rachel!
Covid19 on Trial!
Jodie Foster kisses wife! More Gay(Lesbian) Satanic modify Gens! Satan Inverted World!
The "killer" German Doctors Arrived? 8 German "Doctors" and 8 German "nurses" landed in Lisbon to help give the Covid19 killer vaccines?
This how Much the light people loves Animals!
Q - Again? That is demonstrably False? The End of The World?
You are Being Recording By your Phone 24/7 - camera, GPS, Microphone! Watch How!
Ex-Barcelona President Bartomeu Arrested In Raid! And People Continue to Sleep???
Former Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu has been ARRESTED! And People Continue Sleep????
Matthew McConaughey Leaves The Audience SPEECHLESS - One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever
WHO insiders Blow The Whistle on Total Immunity of Bill Gates Through GAVI - Global Vaccine Alliance!
Q post confirms GESARA = Financial Reset?
Invisible Person Cloth - Cloaking Mode!
Dear Irish People, It’s Time to Wake Up!
Admiral McRaven Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS - One of the Best Motivational Speeches!
The 4 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening - Michael Bernard Beckwith!
Portugal Court Says PCR Test and Lockdowns are Ilegal - 2020
Moderna - "Covid19 Jab arent Vaccines, so much an Software Platform!"
PCR Covid19 Tests Are Illegal. Deny. Legally They cant do Sh..!
Jeff - How The Covaids Plandemic Morphed Into The Communist Green New World Order!
Australia Aussie PM Scott Morrison Gets First Covid Jab? Really?
Hibrid - Human-Tiger!
Bill Gates - Why He Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines!
Holographic Universe 5 of 5 ( the Pineal Gland ) - You Must watch. Very Important!
UK- 2 Years Prison for Selling Food - No Vax, No Food!
How to Fight the Mainstream Media!
Holographic Universe 4 of 5 Dimensional Travel The Wave Form Universe
The Holographic Universe 3 of 5 ( The Kabbalah Connection )!
Actual Math vs Old Math!
KIDS Exiting WHITE HOUSE! NON Terrestrial BLOODLINES! BLACK GOO_AI Threat! You Must Watch!
Pfizer CEO Dont Want Take The Vaccine!
Holographic Universe ( Part 2 0f 5 ) its all illusion!
Empty Streets - Portugal! Must Be "The Great Awakening" or Maybe "The Sleep Forever?"
Nurse caught trying to harm the patient!
Famous People! How easy is Fool Others with make up!
The Club of Rome - Why Cabal wants to take everything away from us!
Capitol PSYOP - Cabal Paid Actors to Riot and Blame Trump Supporters - All plan Explained!
An Real UFO or An Hologram?
CBSN Interview Trump´s Attorney!
No Vaccine, No FOOD- Lockdown News Roundup!
THOUSANDS Gather In Austria Vienna Against Covid19 Nazi Laws!
Joe Biden Talks About The Fake Pandemic - Intel Always Knows!
Holographic Universe Part 1 of 5 its all illusion!
The UnMasking Part 8 - Final Chapter, The Fall of Cabal Predicted 5 years ago
Covid19 Internet 5G Provider Name to Scare People!
Plus more Mask Insanity and the Great Reset! They are all on Same Team!
Nurse That Support Vacinne lost Her Child!
500$ For an Box of Insuline? This is for Real?
Super Bowl 55 Deaths, Yale Goatville & Beyond - The days of human sacrifice are alive & well!
10 years in prison for visiting Portugal the end of civil liberties in Britain!
Message from my Guides
Why Nuclear Bombs will not be used in WW3?
He complished that alone! Raise up and United!
Jason Momoa - Aquaman another Pedo! look at his huge fingers! He is even Human?
UK threatens to arrest Portuguese citizens for 10 years if they travel there? Why? We are an menace to your Nazi Laws?
The UnMasking Part 7
NASA Lies to you! Amazing Sound Secrets and Experiences!
To The People Dont Believe in God!
Police join the Freedom Wave in Spain. IS THIS THE START OF THINGS TO COME??
And you Allowed This PCR Brain Pain Tests? How Stupid are you?
Yes you can order people use mask, when you forbiden people buy Food!
The UnMasking Part 6
Police Dont Have authority To order Citizens with Ilegal Laws Neither Treat Inocent Like Criminals!
SuperBowl Satanic Ritual!
Hollywood Casting Couch Satans Playground!
No Plain Hit Pentagon - True Hide Interview!
Illuminati Owl - 2021 Inauguration!
Pizzagate Part 3
The UnMasking Part 5 - Tv Programming. Cheamtrails, Cabal Plans, Collective conscience, NASA, Crop Circles, 5G Towers Disguised!
Its This What Cabal Want! Hell on earth!
Stop watching lies, and United For Freedom, People its Q!
143 Brits died shortly after their Covid jabs but vaccines didnt play a role, say regulators
Child Sex Trafficking in Twitter With Twitter Permission!
9 years Old Child Spray with pepper gas by UK Police!
Another person murdered with the Covid vaccine19?
Demonstration Anti Covid19 Rules in Portugal - Lisbon on February 11th, at 15:00!
Biden Augur 2021 Inauguration Ritual!